

Common sense, as common as taste: life of every living thing is in God's hand (Job 12)

I was listening to this yesterday and wanted to get more scriptures from here:  John MacArthur - The Biblical View on Abortion

I enjoyed reading Job 12 as a model for dialog. 

1-3) Nobody has all wisdom within themselves. 

 - Reminds me of proof of God's existence by drawing a circle that represents everything in the universe there is to know and asking how much an individual knows within that circle. Then put a dot outside their area and say this the Creator God, Sovereign Lord of all.

4-6) People live apart from God, seeming without consequence 

7-12) Yet the study of the world around, shows that "the life of every living thing is in his hand", "Every living soul, yes, every breathing creature? Isn’t this all just common sense, as common as the sense of taste?"

 - Diagnostics of a depraved psychology and consequences (Romans 1:18-32)

13) “But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are his.

14-21) true for everyone, righteous or unrighteous, God's sovereign plan prevails

22) “He uncovers mysteries hidden in darkness; he brings light to the deepest gloom.

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