Years ago BSF was studying Revelation and I had my nephews over for the weekend and did a lesson over breakfast. The children's lesson had fill in the blanks that were really obvious, like for Revelation 2:3, "You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary."
I asked the boys, what's an example of hardship you have to endure. They couldn't think of anything, then the oldest said; I know a hardship is a friendship that's hard.
Those boys are in high school now and one of them said "Ben, you changed our lives forever back then, you introduced us to Taco Bell." Not exactly the impact statement I've hoped for, but I love those guys and I'm proud of them.
Now we're gearing up for Revelation study in 2024-205 and I'm reaching out to potential leaders to lead groups. I was reading leadership requirements and found this area on marriage qualifications.
Even though there is a biblical basis for divorce (one’s spouse is guilty of porneia), the person should seek to persevere and protect the marriage if there is any possibility of repentance (Malachi 2:16; Matthew 19:6; 1 Corinthians 7). The first steps are to pray, seek biblical counseling through a local church or an organization such as Peacemaker Ministries, and trust God to bring reconciliation. God has done many miracles in marriages through this approach.
Hi Ben, is there an email we can contact if we have as specific question for a topic? Thanks so much in advance!