

Jeremiah appointed, anointed to see, speak, and stand with God (Jeremiah 1)

AIM: God has given us work to do since before we were born (Eph 2:8-10)

A) Jeremiah, prophet to nations appointed and anointed by God

 1-3) Jeremiah Hilkiah of Anathoth Benjamin at 13 Josiah Amon of Judah through Joehoiakim Josiah until 11 King Zedekiah Josiah, the year Jerusalem taken away as captives. 

4-5) LORD's message: "I knew you, set you apart before conception, appointed as prophet to nations."

6-8) Jeremiah: "Sovereign LORD, can't speak, too young" LORD: "go where I send, say what I tell, unafraid, I'm with you, protect you"

9-10) LORD touched Jeremiah's mouth - "I put my word in your mouth! appointed to uproot/tear down/destroy/overthrow - to others build up and plant"

Application: The best place to be is where God sends us. Where has God sent me? As Romans 12:1-3 puts it when will I lay myself down and walk in God's will for life personally. 

B) Vision of almond tree branch and boiling kettle, called to stand with God

11-16) "Look, see - branch of almond tree - I'm watching, certain to carry out all my plans", "pot of boiling water, spilling from north - terror, armies to Jerusalem/Judah" Judgement for evil - deserting me, incense (prayer) other gods, handmade idols

17-19) "Prepare for action, tell everything unafraid (not foolish), strong (fortified, iron), stand against fighters fail for LORD is with you, take care of you"

 - "Behold I'm with you till the end of the age" - Matthew 28:20

Application: What will I do to prepare for action, to be strong in the Lord, to be in his presence in Spirit and Truth. 

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