

Knowing the Lord, starts in the heart and continues in life ( Jer 8:4-9:26)

 Jer 8:4-9:26

Key verse

"Then why do these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do the people of Jerusalem refuse to turn back? They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around...This happened because my people abandoned my instructions, refused to obey what I said. Instead, they have stubbornly followed their own desires and worshiped the images of Baal, as their ancestors taught them...Listen, you women, to the words of the Lord; open your ears to what he has to say. Teach your daughters to wail;teach one another how to lament...“A time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit" Jer 8:5,9:13-14,20,25

A) People on self-destruct path to doom (lie, twist truth, false peace, greedy, unashamed frauds) 

8:4-7) People fall, discovering their wrong self-destructive path, cling to lies, conversations without truth on a path of sin, birds know time of migration but God's people don't know the LORD's law.

8-9) Wise, word of LORD? Teachers twisted writing lies, rejected word of LORD.

10-11) Lose wives, farms, ruled by greed, God's leaders - all frauds, superficial treatment of mortal wounds, speak false peace to their destruction (same as Jer 6:10-15)

12-13) Unashamed, lie with slaughtered, punished, consumed, fruit trees die, LORD's gifts soon gone

14) People, wait to die? go to city, LORD decreed destruction, cup of poison drink for sin against LORD

  • Jesus had that cup, took our sin upon himself

15) Hoped for peace, but didn't come. Hoped for healing, only found terror

  • Difference between Faithful hope and Peace that Jesus gives from wishful thinking/hope. Discipline is painful but treasured by though trained by it (Heb 11-12, John 14-16). 

16-17) terrible army coming to shake the ground, devour cities and people, poisonous snakes bite die

Application: No wonder preachers preach Fire and Brimstone, we need a wake-up call. I was talking with a friend about "spiritual - not religious" as how people describe themselves these days. It's like we know something is wrong in our spirit, but continue to do what we've always done. I believe the role of the church is to Be the Body of Christ in the world, ruled by the Holy Spirit to remind what Jesus taught and did. Today is the day of Salvation. The Kingdom of Heaven has come near. Repent to God for forgiveness of your sins and walk out of your grave into new life. It's so difficult because we need to do this every day that is called today.

Am I ruled by greed? Do I have a gap in my gospel? Do I have counterfeit Hopes?

This is a great listen to help diagnose our lives: How People Change

This book explains the biblical pattern for spiritual change in a clear, practical way you can apply to the challenges of daily life as a Christian. But change involves more than a biblical formula: You will see how God is at work to make you the person you were created to be. That powerful, loving, redemptive relationship is at the heart of all positive change you experience as a Christian on your path in life.

B) We learn how to grieve by coming into the presence of God

18-22) Grief beyond healing, heart broken, LORD abandoned, idolatry, not saved, hurt, mourn, no physician/medicine

9:1-2) I wished I could endlessly cry for my slaughtered people, go away and forget, adulterers, liars

3) My people, lie, refuse standing for truth, bad to worse, don't know LORD

4-6) neighbors, family, friends untrustworthy, slanderous, defrauding each other, sinning, refuse to acknowledge LORD.

7-8) LORD of Heaven's Armies "melt them, test metal - they speak friendly words, hearts scheme to kill"

9-11) avenge, weep for mountains, empty pastures, desolate, animals gone, Jerusalem ruined, ghost town

C) Wisdom comes from asking God and truly knowing him (circumcised heart)

12) wise enough to understand, instructed by LORD, explain it to others? land ruined 

13-14) LORD, "This happened because my people abandoned my instructions, refused to obey what I said. Instead, they have stubbornly followed their own desires and worshiped the images of Baal, as their ancestors taught them.

15-16) LORD feeds bitterness, poison drink, scatter, chase, destroyed completely

17-20) Consider all this, mourn, weep, despair, humiliated - listen to words of LORD, open ears, teach one another how to lament

21-22) Death is really near, sneaking up on you, so many dead, no one left to bury

23-24) don't boast in wisdom, power, riches - boast in truly knowing LORD - unfailing love, justice, righteousness to earth, delighting in these. 

25-26) A time is coming says the LORD, when I will punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit, like pagan nations Israel also have uncircumcised hearts

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