

Study the real thing to avoid being defrauded by counterfeit (2 Tim 3)

key verse

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17

A) Difficulty in the last days, so many living against truth, anti-God

3:1-2) last days, difficult, lovers of self/money, boastful/proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to parents, nothing sacred.

3-5) Unloving, unforgiving, slander, no self-control, cruel hate goodness, betray friends, reckless, fake, prideful, love pleasure - not God, act religious/yet reject power/godliness.

6-7) Con men, seduce vulnerable women: burdened with guilt of sin, controlled by desires, following "new" teaching, never understanding truth

8-9) "teachers" oppose truth, depraved minds, counterfeit faith, they'll be recognized as fools someday

  • like Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses: Pharaoh called "wise men, sorcerers, magicians" - did same things by "magic arts" (Exodus 7:11), opposition from sorcerer happened in Acts 13:8. It's friction with anyone who is devoid of the truth (depraved mind) 1 Tim 6:5. They "profess to know  God" but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for any good deed (Titus 1:16). 
  • Their heart is not right in the sight of the Lord (Acts 8:21,22), they serve not Jesus Christ, but their own belly, by good words and fair speeches they deceive the hearts of the simple (Romans 16:18)
Application: Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith; prove yourselves (2 Cor 13:5,6), Come into the light (Psalm 107:14, John 8:12), let God show you (Psalm 139:24), his anointing teaches you about all things - remain in him confident and unashamed in God's presents (1 John 2:26-28) Are you on display for everyone to see? Matthew 5:14-16

B) Trustworthiness is a measured life against God's word. 
10-11) Timothy knows Paul, teach=live=purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecution, suffering.
12-13) Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution while evil people and impostors flourish, deceiving and being deceived.
14-15) Remain faithful to truth, trust who taught you - holy Scriptures, wisdom, salvation by trusting Christ Jesus
16-17) All Scripture is inspired by God, useful for teaching truth, making us realize what's wrong in our lives, correcting us and teaching us to do right. God uses it to prepare, equip, for every good work.
Application: Looking at my life in light of God's standard shows how badly I've missed the mark. The term Catholic guilt comes to mind. Yet the positive side is knowledge of God, his will and purpose. He has handed us over to disobedience so that he can have mercy on us all. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed his hand has provided, great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me. 

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