

God graciously calls and equips Moses to return to Egypt, to deliver Israel

AIM: God provides all that's needed to complete his plan Exodus 3 &amp 4
  1. God calls Moses at the burning bush
    1. (3:1-3) God appears to Moses in flames of bush that didn't burn up at Horeb
    2. (4-5) God calls Moses by name, warned to stop, remove shoes - holy ground
    3. (6) God: I am God of your father &amp Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
    4. (7-10) God: aware of suffering/oppression/distress &amp cry of his people in Egypt, sending Moses to Pharaoh to lead people out to land of milk &amp honey
    5. (11-12) Moses: who am I?, God: I will be with you, you'll know because it will happen as I said and you'll worship God here
    6. (13-15) Moses: who are you?, God: I AM WHO I AM, LORD, Yahweh, YHWH, Jehovah - God of your ancestors
    7. (16-18) Go instructs Moses to call together the elders of Israel, tell what I said, they'll listen w\them tell king of Egypt God met with you, we need to take a 3 day journey - sacrifices to the LORD, our God
    8. (19-22) King of Egypt will no let you go unless forced, miracles - all Israelite woman will ask & get silver, gold, fine clothes - plunder Egypt
      • Principle: God gives clear instructions, answers our doubts and foretells signs authenticating himself as God
      • Application: When has God tried to get my attention and what was my reaction? Have I ever cried out to God and known in my heart that he was aware of my suffering/oppression/distress? Has anyone who knows my name ever shared God's redemptive plan for humanity with me? If I'm a Christian who has God placed in my life that needs to hear about Him?
  2. God gives Moses miracles and a spokesman to deliver His message
    1. (4:1-5) Moses: what if they won't listen &amp believe? God teaches him to turn staff to snake, back to staff.
    2. (6-9) God teaches Moses to turn his hand leprous, then healed and turn Nile water to blood
    3. (10-12) Moses: I'm not a good speaker. God: I give people mouths, make deaf/mute, give sight or blindness - now GO I WILL help you speak &amp teach you what to say
    4. (13-14) Moses: PLEASE send someone else. God (literally burned in anger against him): your brother Aaron can speak well - He's on his way to gladly meet you
    5. (15-17) God: speak to him, I'll help you both to speak and teach you what to do - Aaron's spokesman to the people, you will tell him what to say on my behalf
      • Principle: God has provides all we need to share His message with people
      • Application: Do I get in the way of ministry with doubts about how people might respond? Have I seen God do miracles and yet continue to ask him to "send someone else"? Will I trust God to help me and teach me what to do? How can I demonstrate that trust today? Who is God leading me to share his message with?
  3. Moses returns to Egypt by the grace of God shown in Jethro, Zipporah and Aaron
    1. (18-20) Moses asks Jethro to return to relatives in Egypt, receives his blessing, assurance from God of safety, brings wife, sons and staff of God
    2. (21-23) God instructs Moses to Go to Pharaoh, perform the miracles - he'll refuse so tell him "God will now kill your firstborn son!"
    3. (24-26) God confronted Moses to kill him, but Zipporah circumcised her son - God left him alone. (Ben's thought: prayer doesn't change God's mind, rather doing the right thing in love covers a multitude of sins 1 Peter 4:7-11)
    4. (27-28) God tells Aaron to meet Moses, Moses tells him what God said and about the signs
    5. (29-31) Moses &amp Aaron go to Egypt, called elders together, told them everything, performed miracles and they were CONVINCED, bowed down and worshiped God
      • Principle: God's Grace is more than we deserve or could ever pay back
      • Application: Do I see people acting in my favor as a gift from God? Do I show appreciation for the people who are helping me, even saving me by doing what I should have done? Am I convinced about God's message or is it a "passive" belief. Does my life show I'm convinced, if so how?