

Moses sympathetic actions have contrasting, life changing consequences

Life Of Moses Lesson 2

AIM: Our sympathetic motives can lead us to wrong actions, yet God is faithful to complete what He started

Exodus 2:11-25
  1. Right Motive, Wrong Action: Moses sympathizes with Hebrews, murders an Egyptian
    1. (11) Moses sympathizes with beaten Hebrew slave
    2. (12) Moses retaliates, murders Egyptian
    3. (13) Moses tries to lead quarreling Hebrews to peace
    4. (14) “Judge? Will you kill me like you did the Egyptian?”
    5. (15) Moses realizing his murder is known flees for life to Midian
      • Principle: Doing wrong will postpone a leader in fulfilling his God given calling
      • Application: When have I had “righteous anger” that led to wrong actions? Have I acted in a way that would make the people I sympathize with not want my help? Do habitually do wrong that is postponing my God given calling? When will I ask God to forgive my wrongs and help me to do right? If not right now, what’s holding me back?
  2. Right Motive, Right Action: Moses sympathizes with priest daughters, offers help without expectation
    1. (16) Moses sympathizes with priest daughters, chased from well by shepherds
    2. (17) Moses rescues girls, watered flocks
    3. (18-20) Reuel (Priest), ask daughters about the incident, suggests inviting Moses to diner
    4. (21-22) Moses accepted, married Zipporah, Gershom (means Foreigner) is born
      • Principle: Blessings follow God honoring actions
      • Application: Do I like Moses, help others without expectation? Have I learned to stop doing destructive actions and try actions that are helpful, constructive? Does my experience prove that blessings follow god honoring actions? When will I put this to the test and with who will I provide help with "no strings attached"?
  3. God sees, hears Israelites suffering and remembers His covenant promise
    1. (23) years pass, king of Egypt dies, Israelites cry out
    2. (24 - 25) God hears them, remembers promise to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob – ready to act
      • Principle: God is faithful to keep his promises in His time. God cares for us and will hear the cries of our heart.
      • Application: Do I keep my promises? Do I remember my commitments and follow through? Will I see God at work my past mistakes as preparation for ministry? Would I still have the same cries in my heart if I hadn’t experienced those mistakes? What promises of God will I remember to sustain me and guide my life choices moving forward? Who will I intentionally share this hope with?

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