

Consecrated Israelites receive God’s law governing relationships

AIM: The 10 commandments are foundational to the Christian faith

A) Israelites consecrated to receive Lord God’s covenant law
(19:1-6) Lord God to Moses tell Israelites if you obey, keep covenant you’ll be my treasure
(7-9) Moses tells Israelites, Lord to Moses I’m coming on a cloud, people will hear me and believe you
(10-15) Lord to Moses consecrate them, wash garments, set limits around Sinai, death sentence, abstinence
(16-20) 3rd day thunder, lightning, thick cloud, loud trumpet blast, Moses spoke, God answered in thunder – called Moses up to him
(21-25) Lord to Moses, warn people, let priest consecrate themselves, bring Aaron, Moses obeyed

B) God gives law governing how we treat God
(20:1-3) I am the Lord your God, no other gods before me
(4-5a) Make no image for yourself to worship or serve – God is jealous,
(5b-6) cursing 4 generations those who hate me, blessing thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments
(7) Don’t take the name of the Lord your God in vain, will not hold him guiltless
(8-11) Keep Sabbath holy to the Lord you God, since God created everything is 6 days and then rested

C) God give law governing how we treat people
(12) Honor your father and mother – it will go well with you
(13-15) don’t murder, commit adultery, steal)
(16-17) don’t bear false witness against your neighbor, don’t covet you neighbor’s house, wife, servants or anything
(18-21) Thunder, lightning, trumpet, mountain smoking, fear of God keeps you from sin
(22-24a) Lord: I have talked to you from heaven, make no gods of silver or gold, animal sacrifice on earth altar
(24b-26) Every place I cause my name to be remembered I will come and bless you

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