

God blesses Israelites with Manna, Quale, water, victory and leadership

AIM: Jehovah Nissi: God provides daily blessings, experiences and people to remind us the He is our banner.
1. Israelites complain to Moses about water and food, God responds with daily blessing for 40 years
a.       (15:22-24) 3 days complain, bitter water what to drink?
b.      (25-27) Lord showed Moses wood that made water fit to drink, listen carefully keep decrees Lord who heals you
c.       (16:1-3) 2 months complain, wish we died, now we starve
d.      (4-5) Lord instructs about Manna test with Sabbath
e.      (6-10) Moses convicts Israelites you grumbled against the Lord, and his glory appeared in cloud
f.        (11-16) Lord provides Manna and Quale meeting the daily needs
g.       (17-26) Most obeyed, other didn’t and food rotted
h.      (27-32) Lord condemns Moses for Peoples failure on Sabbath – Lord gives Sabbath obey it
i.         (33-35) Manna lasted 40 years
j.        (17:1-3) Desert of Sin Israelites quarreled with Moses “give us water to drink” why bring us from Egypt to die
k.       (4-7) Moses get’s help from Lord, with elders, staff strike rock – water comes out- called ‘testing’ ‘quarreling’ is Lord with us or not?
 Application: When will I set apart time to thank God for his daily blessing? How will I understand that the Lord is my Banner when every day is a struggle?

      2.       Amalekites attack Israelites, Moses worship enables Joshua’s success
a.       (8-13) Amalekites attacked Israelites, Moses holds staff with help, Joshua fights and wins
b.      (14-16) Lord, “write it down, Joshua hears it, altar ‘The Lord is my Banner”
  Application: What battle have I been called to fight and what battle have I been called to praise God? How will I understand that the Lord is my Banner when life and death are on the line?
      3.   Family visit and advice helps Moses lead Israelites
a.       (18:1-8) Moses, Jethro (father in law), Zipporah (wife), Gershom and Eliezer (sons) talked about how Lord saved them
b.      (9-12) Jethro delighted in Lord, “Praise be to the Lord” gave offering to God in presents of God
c.       (13-23) Jethro sees Moses struggling and gives leadership tips to persevere
d.      (24-27) Moses listens, choses capable men, made them leaders, officials as judges at all times
 Application: How will I understand that the Lord is my Banner in life’s circumstances culminate into clarity?

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