

Pharaoh’s self-destructive pride leaves Egypt in ruins

AIM: Pride hardens our heart to God’s clear purpose

A)     Moses and Aaron received confidence from God and credibility with Pharaoh
(6:28-7:7) LORD gives Moses (80) confidence, Pharaoh thinks he’s a God, Aaron’s (83) like his prophet, LORD makes Pharaoh’s heart hard against Egypt, Moses and Aaron Obeyed as commanded
(7:8-13) Aaron’s staff becomes a snake, wise men and sorcerers did the same things by secret arts, Aaron’s staff swallows theirs – Pharaoh’s heart hard
(7:14-24) LORD will turn Nile to blood, fish will die, stink and Egyptians will not drink as blood will be everywhere even vessels of wood and stone, Egyptian magicians did the same, Pharaoh’s heart hard, Egyptians dug along Nile to get drinking water
(8:1-15) 7 days later, LORD makes frogs come out of land, magicians did the same. Pharaoh asks for prayer “frogs away from me and my people, your people go offer sacrifices to LORD” – at relief Pharaoh hardens his own heart
Principle: Man’s pride deceives him to believe he is able to match God’s natural ability
Application: How does modern convenience lead me away from God? How can fasting and prayer help me back to a right understanding of God?

B)      Pharaoh’s heart brings  God’s wrath on Egyptians
(8:16-19) LORD dust in Egypt turns to Gnats, magicians tried but couldn’t do the same – “This is the finger of God” – Pharaoh’s heart hard
(8:20-27) LORD – “Confront Pharaoh ‘If you don’t let my people go – flies on you not on us’” – flies ruined Egypt, Pharaoh “sacrifice to God here”/no Egyptians would stone them and God commanded us to go
(8:28-32) Pharaoh agrees asks for prayer, “strike 2” not a single fly remained yet Pharaoh harden his heart and wouldn’t follow through
(9:1-7) LORD – terrible plague on Egyptian livestock not Israelites – they all died yet Pharaoh’s heart was unyielding
(9:8-12) LORD – take handfuls of soot and through in air in front of Pharaoh, festering boils on people and animals, magicians couldn’t stand. LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart, he wouldn’t listen
Principle: God hardens the heart of those who oppose his purpose
Application: Do I ask for God’s help when my poor choices bring trouble into my life, then once life is good – reject God? Why do we so often ask for grace, receive it and then go about our rebellious life? Do I need a heart change?

C)      LORD God shows mercy, power and judgment for his namesake
(9:13-19) Hailstorm with merciful warning to take cover. LORD – “Confront Pharaoh ‘Let them go, to Worship me or full force of plagues against you and your people – I could have wiped you off the earth – (16) – My power and name proclaimed in all the earth
(9:20-32) Pharaoh’s officials who feared LORD’s word brought animals and slaves to take cover – Hail beat people, animals, striped every tree – not in Goshen. Pharaoh ‘I have sinned, we’ve had enough, I’ll let you go’ – yet at relief he sinned again, hard heart
(10:1-6) LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart (2) so that children and grandchildren would know ‘I AM the LORD’ – locus because you refuse to humble yourself and obey
(10:7-11) Pharaoh’s officials ‘Let them go, don’t you realize Egypt is ruined?’ – Pharaoh would only allow the men to go,  Moses and Aaron driven from his presents
(10:12-15) LORD sends Locus never to be equaled again devour what’s left after the hail
(10:16-20) Pharaoh quickly ‘I’ve sinned against the LORD your God and you, forgive my sine again, take the plague away from me’ – locus carried off by wind – LORD hardens heart against Egyptians “strike 3”
(10:21-29) Darkness covers Egypt, not Goshen – Pharaoh go all of you without livestock, Pharaoh threatens Moses with death at next visit – there won’t be one.
Principle: God has made himself known to all people

Application: When has God made himself known to me? Have I ever felt convicted of sin against God? Do I try to reject sin and God as man-made ideas? What is the basis of my ideas?

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