

Lord's Passover established, firstborn die and prophetic song marks Israel's freedom from Egypt

Aim: Hard heart rebellion ends with a losing battle against God.

A)     Lord sends death of first born so Pharaoh will let people go
(11:1-1-3) Lord said one more plague, then Pharaoh let’s you go, neighbors ask for silver and gold
(4-10) Moses hot anger, Every firstborn son, animal dies tonight Egypt, then officials will beg us to leave, Lord hardens Pharaoh’s heart
(12:1-11) Lord said 10th day of this month, lamb (1 year old, male, no defects)  per household, care for it 4 days, slaughter at twilight, blood on door frame eating, roast all over fire (bitter herbs, unleavened bread), eat fast, burn leftovers
(12-16) Lord – strikes every firstborn of people and animal to judge gods of Egypt but will Passover houses with blood on door, commemorate, generations, lasting ordinance
(17-20) Lord – Celebrate Festival of Unleavened Bread 14th to 21st, out of Egypt
(21-30) Moses, elders – gives instructions, they obey (26-27) children ask, tell them, LORD  strikes, every house mourns
(31-36) Pharaoh, Egyptians “leave now take our clothes, gold and silver!”
Principle: What God says will happen, will happen. The only certain thing in this world is God’s word.
Application: Do I trust God, does my obedience show that I trust Him?

B)      Lord consecrates firstborn and commands Israel to obey a lasting ordinance of Passover
(37-42) about 1 million Israelites left after 430 years, LORD vigil, Israelites keep vigil to honor him
(43-51) LORDs Passover Restrictions; no foreigners, eat inside, don’t break bones, community must celebrate it
(13:1-10) LORD - Consecrate every firstborn human and animal male, annual observance, ordinance, teaching established
Principal: God’s ordinances have restrictions
Application: Do I understand that not everyone can partake in God’s ordinances? Do I teach others about restrictions or shy away for comfort and friendship sake?

C)      Moses understands God’s faithfulness and how to communicate it
(11-16) LORD brings you to Canaanite as promised to ancestors – tell children what this means
(17-18) God leads to Red Sea, short path = war with Philistines might change their minds to return to Egypt
(19-22) Moses took bones of Joseph (grandfather) swore an oath pillar of cloud, pillar of fire in front of people
(14:1-18) harden Pharaoh and Egyptians to gain glory
(19-25) LORD came between Egypt and Israel, as Israel crossed the red sea, LORD looked at Egyptian army threw it into confusion “Let’s get away!”
(26-31) LORD to Moses stretch out your hand over the sea, so water flow back over the Egyptians – he did, they died, all of Israel was safe
(15:1-11) song to the LORD remembrance of his strength, defense, salvation, name, majestic power and greatness,
(12-18) Prophetic song of judgment, redemption, glory, God’s home, inheritance, LORD reigns forever
(19-21) Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister took a tamboreen lead a song of praise
Principal: Prophetic words come from true prophets who have heard from and experienced God in present experience.

Application: Will trust in scripture as word from God to individuals who have encountered God?

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