

God reproduces 10 commandments, reveals himself and convenant conditions

AIM: God precedes people who follow his way

A) God speaks to Moses as a friend and shows his holiness
(33:7-8) Tent of Meeting outside camp with the Lord (Pillar of Cloud)
(9-11) Lord speaks face to face as a friend, people who saw would stand and worship
(12-13) Moses: teach me your ways (you know me, I want to know you)
(14-17) Lord: my presents with you, will give you rest, do what you ask (Moses: yes!)
(18-20) Moses: show me your glory, Lord: goodness/name/mercy/compassion
(21-23) Lord: stand on a rock ‘my hand’ (hides/protects you) from my (holy) face           
Principle: God is personal, holy and is in charge of how we may be present with him
Application: How do I truly come into the presents of the God? Do I confess my sin, repent from it and believe in his promises or do I come by some other man-made way? Will I ask God to teach me his ways, so that I can know him and understand his plan?

B) God has Moses prepare the tablets for 10 commandments and explains himself
(34:1-3) Lord: chisel out 2 stone tablets, I’ll write the words like the first ones you broke
(4-6) Moses obeyed, Lord proclaimed his name, compassionate, gracious God, slow to anger abounding in love and faithfulness
(7) forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin, yet he doesn’t leave the guilty unpunished, multi-generational
(8-9) Moses worshiped,
Principle: God’s name represents all that is good and benevolent
Application: What is my standard of quality and goodness? What do I base that on? What choices do I need to make this week that I can view in binary terms, God’s way or another way? If the choice isn’t obvious to me, will I take a moment to worship God for who he is and trust him for the answer?

C) God makes conditional covenant with Israel
(10) Lord makes covenant-awesome wonders never before done in any nation
(11-17) Obey Lord, he’ll clear the land, no treaty, remove idols, God is Jealous
(18) Celebrate festival of unleavened bread for 7 days Aviv out of Egypt
(19-20) Redeem first born sons to the Lord
(21) six days labor, seventh day rest even during harvest
(22-24) Celebrate Festival of Weeks- first fruits wheat, Festival Ingathering turn of year, 3 times a year all men appear before the Sovereign Lord God of Israel
(25-26) No blood sacrifice with yeast, Passover Festival has no left overs
(27-28) Lord said Moses write down these words, accordance of covenant I made with Israel
(29-35) Moses radiant face, gives commands from Lord
Principle: God makes his way clear and unambiguous

Application: What idols do I believe are more valuable and powerful than God? What religious actions do I partake in that leads to a radiant face? Would I describe my encounters with God in terms of celebration, festival or worthy of a full day out of every week, why or why not?

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