

Tabernacle is built and God guides his people day and night

AIM: God provides everything needed to be with His People

A) 35:1-39:31 - God’s dwelling place (Tabernacle) is built by God’s people, with His resources, in His way
(35:1-3) Sabath
(4-9) - everyone willing breastplate (faith Ephesians 5)
(10-19) all called, skilled make clothes and lampstand
(20-29) all withdrew those willing from the heart, came and gave
(30-36:1) Lord chose Bezalel and Oholiab filled them with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills to follow His instruction
(2-7) more than enough craftsman and money, stopped and restrained from giving
(8-38) expertly followed Lord’s instructions
(37:1-9) the Ark, gold, cherubim, poles as God instructed
(10-16) Table, pitchers and dishes
(17-24) Lamp-stand, 7 lights pure gold
(25-29) altar of incense prayers
(38:1-7) altar of burnt offering sin
(8) basin for washing at tent of meeting
(9-20) courtyard - embroidered curtains, hooks, bases and poles
(21-31) God’s law plus massive amount of money (supplied by God) used
(39:1-31) Priest clothes: blue ephod robe, breastplate (faith, Israel) and others made
Application: what are God’s exact instructions for my life? Do I know, when will I set apart time everyday to search for His instructions in the Bible?

B) 39:32-40:33 - Moses blesses the work, consecrating everything and finishing it
(32:-43) Moses inspects and blesses
(40:1-8) Lord instructs Moses to set up tabernacle for Passover, burnt offering, washing
(9-21) Moses consecrated, anointed with oil everything, places ark inside and covers it
(22-33) Moses sets up the rest of the tabernacle exactly as the Lord commanded, finished the work
Application: What work is left for me and in me to put God’s work together? Am I fully consecrated to God? If Moses were here to inspect my life, what would need to change to make it exactly right for Lord?

C) 40:34-38 - Glory of the Lord fills the Tabernacle, directing Israel by day and night
(34-38) Then the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle, seen by all and they didn’t move without prompting of the Lord
Application: As I walk throughout my day, do I see the Lord proceeding before me? Do I have faith that he has already been where I’m going? How does my life, words and actions give testimony to this? If not why not?

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