

Levites conduct census, establish camps as Israel moves with God

AIM: God provides clear instruction to be present with Him.

A) Priest conduct census of fighting men and provide Israel’s camp and move procedures
 (1:1-46) Lord commanded Priest as census list men 20 years to fifty are counted as Israel’s troops
(47-54) not Levites responsible stand guard around Tabernacle
 (2:1-10) East-Judah, Issachar, Zebulun 186k Leaders
(11-16) South-Reuben, Simeon, Gad 151k
(17-24) Levites middle carried Tabernacle, West (Ephraim, Manasseh) Josephs two sons, Benjamin 108k
(25-34)North-Dan, Asher, Naphtali 157k

B) God redeems Levites in place of first born sons and assigns clans duties for 30-50 year olds
 (3:1-13) Only 3 priests, Aaron, Eleazar Ithamar but whole tribe Serves as firstborn
 (14-39) Moses registers all boys 1 month old or older 22k (Gershon tent west, Kohath sanctuary south, Merari frames north, east-Moses Aaron, his sons final responsibility for sanctuary on behalf of the people of Israel)
(40-51) first born sons of others tribes substituted for Levites 1,365 silver for 273 men
(4:1-20 ) Levi\ Kohathite Clan most sacred objects covered and carried with poles, not touched
(21-28) Levi\Gershonite Clan general service carrying loads curtains
(29-33) Levi\Merarite Clan loads frames of Tabernacle, crossbars
(34-49) Census was written just as the Lord commanded, included eligibility for service 30-50 years of age.

C) Camp rules and regulations, offering and dedications reinforced with God’s blessing
(5:1-10) Purity in the Israel’s camp is re-enforced – remove people unclean, confess sin, follow laws
(11-31) marriage is protected, faithfulness and suspicion of infidelity is regulated
(6:1-21) Nassarite vows, a special dedication of service to the Lord is explained hair, wine, holiness
(22-27) Aaron’s priestly blessing Lord bless, protect, smile on you, gracious and show favor – give you peace
(7:1-89) Offering and dedication for each tribe, daily is accounted brought by leaders anointing the alter
(8:1-4) 7 Lamps are prepared, exact design the Lord shown Moses
(5-26) Levites are dedicated to the Lord, reminding all of the firstborn belongs to God
(9:1-14) Second Passover
(15-23) God covers the Tabernacle in Fiery Cloud, when God moved people moved
(10:1-10) Silver Trumpets
(11-36) Israelites Leave Sinai, God moves with them

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