

Complaining Israelites spoil God’s blessing of quail and leadership

AIM: God affectionately pays attention to people

A) Complaining people angered God and brought doubt to his leaders
(11:1-3) people complain about hardship, Lord hears and is angered, destroys some, Moses prays fire stops
(4-9) foreigners crave good things/food of Egypt, complain of manna
(10-15) People standing around, complaining Lord & Moses angry, aggravated – Moses questions God
Application: Life in this sin tainted world is difficult. It is easy to reminisce about the good old days and complain about today. When tempted by these thoughts and attitudes will you choose to faithfully bring your concerns to the Lord? Will you remember that God is just a prayer away and we don’t need to participate in “water cooler gossip”.

B) God provides food and leadership, yet people overindulge
(16-20) God responds with a miraculous plan
(21-23) Moses doesn’t believe! Question God with mocking/immature exaggeration. God you will see if my word comes true!
(24-30) Moses obeyed, Lord came down spoke gave the seventy elders the Spirit, so they prophesied even elders not present with the Lord!
(31-35) Lord sends quail from the sea, 50 bushels per person (2.2 kilo liters or 580 gallons), gorging themselves – Lord blazed/struck with plague, “graves of gluttony”
Application: Will I stop ordering the super-sized portions that is available and decide to overindulge in the blessings before me? What is holding me back from trusting that the opportunity before me today isn’t the end? How much is enough in my bank account or stomach to feel secure?

C) Miriam criticizes Moses and God defends him
(12:1-3) Miriam, Aaron criticized Moses because he married a Cushite woman – compared selves
(4-8) Lord called them together explained Moses is special, trusted, face to face not like dreams/riddles
(9-13) Lord departs, Meriam has leprosy, Moses intercedes – “God, heal her”
(14-16) God explains she’s defiled 7 days, people wait for her before departing.

Application: God immediately defends those who are his and responds to our pleas. How is my faith revealed in my prayer life or lack thereof?

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