

Israelite leaders explore the Promised Land, they’re reactions impact everyone

AIM: God keeps his promises

A) Lord instructs people to explore the land he’s giving them with mixed reactions
(13:1-2) Lord instructs Moses, send out leaders from 12 tribes of Israel “to explore Canaan, land I’m giving to Israelites”
(3-16) Moses did as the Lord commanded (Caleb son of Jephunneh of Judah, Joshua/Hoshea son of Nun, Ephraim)
(17-20) Moses instructed them go north, inspect the land (soil, trees, crops, natural resources), people (strengths/weakness), towns (fortifications..).
(21-24) They explored (google hours by foot Negav- Hebron). Huge grapes, pomegranates, figs Eshcol.
(25-29) forty days men returned reported (map): land is bountiful, “BUT” people are powerful, towns are large and fortified, giants..
(30) Caleb tried to quiet people – “Let’s go at once, we can certainly conquer it”
(31-33) Other tribesmen disagreed and spread this bad report: “the land will devour anyone who goes to live there”
Application: Have I ever a received a gift that I felt I couldn’t afford? When do I agree with God with a “BUT”? Will I acknowledge my sin of unbelief and see how it effects people around me? Do I understand who God is, that he is Creator God and Lord of all creation? How will my life change as I embrace God’s promises and live them out in my daily life? What would be the first big change that people could notice in me?

B) Whole community is corrupted in unbelief by a few bad leaders
(14:1-4) whole community weeps and shouts a chorus of protest “let’s choose a new leader and go back to Egypt!”
(5-9) Moses and Aaron, face down, Joshua and Caleb said to all Israel “wonderful land, Lord will bring us safely, give it to us – don’t rebel against God”
(10-12) whole community – stone them! Enter God in glorious presents – “will they never believe me, I’ll destroy them!”
Application: Will I recognize that I’m a leader and my words have weight and consequence on the people around me? God abhors unbelief – do I complain and rebel against the people he has placed over me? How will trusting that God keep his promises change my attitude towards my boss at work or in government?

C) Moses intercedes on community’s behalf and God has mercy with consequences
(13-16) Moses objected what will the people of the world think? You rescued these people to kill them?
(17-19) Please Lord prove your power, slow to anger, abounding love – pardon the sins, as you have forgiven them since they left Egypt
(20-25) Lord pardons them but the consequence is they will never see that land, refused to listen to God’s voice; Caleb will
(26-30) those counted 20 years or greater will not enter the land except Caleb and Joshua
(31-33) you feared for your children, they’ll be cared for – but you’ll drop dead
(34-38) 40 days explored, 40 years wilderness suffer the consequences of your sins – this is what it is to be enemies with God – 10 leaders died by plague, only Caleb and Joshua remain
(39-43) “we didn't mean it” we’ll go now, it’s too late don’t disobey the Lord and refuse the consequences  - you’ll be slaughtered without the Lord
(44-45) But people defiantly pushed ahead without Moses, Ark of the Lord’s Covenant and they weren't successful

Application: God has made promises to mankind since Genesis 2 and 3. We have continued in unbelief for generations – yet his mercies are made new every day for those who trust and obey God with their whole life. God is able and willing to fulfill his promises and his only requirement is that you believe. Read John 3:16-19; 14 for the New Testament  version… you will never have success without doing it God’s way.

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