

Bronze snake between victories by faith, discipline and healing

Aim: Victory in life is won by God through faith

A) Repentant Israel is given victory in war by acting in faith
(1) Canaanite king of Arad, from Negev attacked Israelites, took prisoners
(2-3) Israel vowed to the Lord, hand them over – we’ll destroy them completely – Lord heard and gave victory
Application: Decisions for the Lord God will result in victory. What circumstance would you like to have victory in? Will you commit this to the Lord and decide today, in a vow to God to give him the victory?

B) Israelites demonstrate their total depravity, while God teaches personal responsibility to accept his mercy in faith
(4-5) Impatient Israelites spoke against God and Moses, food, water – horrible Manna
(6-7) Lord sent poisonous snakes, they repented “we’ve sinned against Lord and you” – Moses prayed
(8-9) Lord instructs Moses to make bronze snake on a pole, everyone who looks at it will be healed (John 3:15-16)
(10-13) Israelites traveled far side of Arnon river between Amorites and Moabites
(14-15) Book of wars of the Lord speaks about this
(16) From there Israelites traveled to Beer which is the well where Lord commanded Moses to assemble the people and I will give them water
(17-18) Israelites sang a song “spring up well, sing IT’S praises, ‘princes’ dug, great leaders hollowed out”
Application: Has God sent snakes to bite you? What is God bringing into your life to get your attention? Cancer, heart disease, job loss, financial ruin or maybe a loss of relevance in your family life? When you look at Jesus on the cross, the Son of God – dying what do you see? Jesus says, “I discipline those whom I love” and as we in our total depravity angrily walk out he shouts: “HERE I AM! I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK.” – Revelation 3:19-22

C) Israel continues to be victorious in the land of Amorites
(19-20) they left wilderness, through mattanah, Nahaliel, Bamoth – valley of Moab, Pisgah Peak overlooks wasteland
 (21-22) ambassadors to King Sihon, let us pass without taking anything
 (23-24) King refused, instead assembled army attacked them and was slaughtered
(25-26) Israel captured all the towns including capital city
(27-30) poem commemorates the event
(31-33) Men explored and captured the surrounding towns, drove out Amorites
(34-35) Og, King of Bashan came against Israel and Lord promised he would deliver and they won a total victory

Application: God has healed you for a purpose, specific and uniquely yours (Ephesians 2:8-10). Will you ask, seek and knock until it’s clear to you? The promise is for you, for those who ask will receive, those who seek will find and for those who knock the door will be opened to them.

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