

Balak and Balaam share fear, madness and condemnation

AIM: God cannot be mocked, we reap what we sow
A) Fear and madness
(22:1-4) Israel traveled to plains of Moab, east of Jordan, across from Jericho – King Balak had seen Amorites destroyed, terrified by their size, devour everything
(5-6) Balak sends for Balaam – curse them
(7-12) Balaam says he does as the Lord directs, Lord says don’t go with them Israel is blessed
(13-20) Balaam you can’t pay me enough, but maybe – Lord says go but do only what I tell you
(21-27) Balaam’s donkey saved his life – from angel and is beaten
(28-33) Lord allows donkey to speak and opens Balaams eyes
(34-41) Balaam confesses sin, king sacrificed cattle and sheep

B) False prophet speaks God’s truth
(23:1-10) Balaam announces that he can’t curse whom God hasn’t cursed
(13-26)  Balaam announces no curse or magic can hurt them and blesses them
(27-30) Balak builds seven altars and offered bull and ram at each
(24:1-14) Balaam blesses Israel and curses there enemies, enraging Balak
(15-25)  Balaam pronounces Israel victorious and Amalek and Moab’s destruction

C) Consequences
(25:1-3) Moab seduces Israel with worship of Baal and sex
(4-9) Lord commands ringleaders executed, Phinehas son of Eleazar/Aaron speared man/woman ending plague 24,000 died
(10-13) covenant of peace for zeal

(14-18) Lord said destroy Midianties for they deceived you to worship Baal

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