

Jesus’ celebrity entrance in Jerusalem and Temple interrupts everyone (Matt 21)

AIM: Jesus interrupts everyone’s life

God want to get our attention he might do it with a traffic jam, interrupting our business or showing us miracles of healing. My close friend has said, why the parables, why doesn't Jesus speak plainly? In this passage Jesus does everything but bend over backward for the religious priest and elders to understand God - they even give the right answer but not understanding it's implications. This is the popular story of "Palm Sunday", but take a fresh look at how Jesus returns the next day after kicking over the tables, returning to compassionately teach the religious leaders about God's love and expectations of them. 

A) Jesus welcomed as celebrity prophet from God
(21:1) Jesus & disciples Bethpage, Mount of Olives approached Jerusalem
(2-3) “take donkey and colt, Lord needs them”
(4-5) fulfills prophecy Savior/King is coming Isaiah 62:11, Zech 9:9, righteous and victorious
(6-7) two disciples did as Jesus commanded put their garments over cot –Jesus sat on colt
(8-9) Most of crowd spread their garments on the road, others cut branches Jesus was center of procession shouting praise God!
(10-11) entire city of Jerusalem in uproar – crowds replied Jesus prophet from Nazareth, Galilee
Application: Traffic jam, why is the road full of clothes and branches, what happened to your colt and donkey? Have you ever heard of Christmas or Easter, you and everyone else have probably heard something about Jesus. Who is God placing on your heart to speak about who Jesus said he is?

B) Jesus knocks ‘business’ away from ministry
(12-13) Jesus enters Temple, drives out people buying/selling animals for sacrifice and knocked over tables saying scriptures declare My Temple house of prayer, you turned it into a den of thieves!
(14) Jesus healed blind, lame who came to him in Temple
(15) Leading priest, teachers of religious law saw miracles, heard children shouting “Praise God for the Son of David” but they were indignant
(16-17) Haven’t you read scriptures ‘You taught children/infants to give you praise’, Jesus returned to Bethany
Application: God doesn’t care about our money, he heals, causes people to see, causes lame to walk. Children get it and see value – what is praise worthy. Don’t let money get above  God or people in your life. Ask God if anything needs to be reordered in your life. Jesus’ greatest commandment is to love God, then people – this fulfils the law and all the prophets.

C) Jesus returns to the Temple compassionately teaching the priest and elders
(18-20) Jesus curses fig tree and it withered up immediately – disciples amazed how
(21-22) faith without doubt, pray for anything – with faith you will receive it
(23-24) Jesus returns to Temple teaching, leading priest/elders demanded by what authority/right?
(25-26) Jesus answers with a question, did John’s authority to baptize come from heaven or man? If heaven, why didn’t we believe – if man we’ll be mobbed by because people said he’s a prophet
 (27) “we don’t know”, “then I won’t tell you”
(28-30) Parable of two sons, older – go to work in vineyard/no but later went: other /yes but didn’t go
(31a) who obeyed? – the first.
(31b-32)  bad people get to heaven because they believe, repent of sins while others won’t even when they see miracles
(33) Parable of landowner and tenant farmers. He planted vineyard, built wall, dug pit for pressing juice, lookout tower. Then leased it.
(34-36) harvest time sent servants to collect but farmers beat, killed first servant, second group of servants
(37-39) Finally owner sent his son, plotted and kill him to get the estate
(40) Jesus still talking with religious leaders, “what do you think the owner will do to the farmers?”
(41-42) “horrible death to them, then lease to others who will give his share after each harvest” Psalm 118:22-23, “stone builders reject has become cornerstone, Lord’s doing, wonderful to see”
(43-46) Kingdom of God taken from you given to nation produce proper fruit – stumble broken, crush on anyone it falls on. They wanted to arrest him but were afraid of crowds
Application: Go back and continue to conversationally teach stubborn and hard hearted people – because you love them - because you were them and are them. After his resurrection, Jesus’ great commission is to go, make disciples teaching them to obey everything he commanded.