

Moses instructs with monumental blessing and curses

AIM: Your life will serve as proof to God’s faithfulness

A) First teaching a monument of instruction, blessing and curses
(27:1-4) Moses and leaders of Israel instruct people to write all these laws in stone in the land God is giving you
(5-10) Build an altar to God, natural uncut stones for burnt offering, peace and celebrate feasting – clear writing these instructions stones/plaster - OBEY
(11-26) Perform ceremony pronounce curses for disobedience (against God, family, neighbor – sexual sin) all people reply Amen
28:1-14) Blessings for obedience (listen & obey) experienced blessing in all things, family, prosperity, strong witness to nations
(15-20) Curses for Disobedience (refuse to listen, do not obey) overwhelmed in towns, fields, family, confusion, frustration in all you do
(21-29) afflicted with disease, disasters, defeat, stricken with madness/blindness/panic – oppressed and robbed continually, without help
(30-37) engaged, but another will take, build house, another will live in, plant never enjoy fruit – madness, incurable boils, exiled worship gods of wood of stone, ridiculed/mocked
(38-44) Work without harvest/enjoyment – ends in ruin
(45-48) all this if you refuse to listen to the Lord you God, obey the commands and decrees given to you, serving God with joy and enthusiasm for abundant benefits you've received – else serve as a warning to others forever.
(49-57) distant nations, armies will destroy you in terrible distress/cannibalism
(58-29:1)Terms of covenant all this if you refuse to obey all the words of instruction written here and don not fear the name of the Lord you God. Lord found pleasure in blessing you he will find pleasure in destroying you
Application: We need to leave instruction and warning for others because like us, they are prideful, illogical and self-destructive (in sin and headed towards destruction).

B) Second teaching, Remember the miracles you don’t understand yet, believe and find confirmation
(29:2-6) Moses summoned Israelites, you’ve seen everything Lord did in Egypt to Pharaoh/whole country strength, miraculous sign, amazing wonders – yet Lord has not given you minds that understand, eyes to see, ears that hear – even after 40 years of miracles!
(7-18) victory in war, provision, leaders, family – enter in covenant today – Lord will establish you as his people and confirm that he is your God (13)
Application: Simply see the evidence and approach God and his word from a perspective of belief and see how he confirms his faithfulness in your life.

C) People are accountable to God and encouraged to repent Today
(19-29)  Following desires of my own stubborn heart leads to ruin, abandoning the covenant God made with me. We are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us, so we may obey all the terms of instruction
(30:1-5) You will experience these blessings and curses – take heart to these instructions – God has mercy and blessing if you return to the Lord your God
(6-10) God will change your heart so you will love him and live – then you’ll obey and be successful in all you do
(11-16) the choice is life or death, it’s close at hand on your lips, in your heart LISTEN! Today God is giving you choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster
(17-18) if your heart turns away, refuse to listen, drawn to worship other gods – certain destruction
(19-20) Today, you have a choice between life and death, between blessing and curses – Choose life by loving God, obeying him, committing yourself firmly to him.

Application: Had enough experience with these curses? Been following your stubborn heart long enough? Take heart these instructions and experience God’s mercy and blessing. Listen and choose life. 

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