

God is faithful on the way to the promised land

AIM: Miraculous provision and good news is only useful with faith
A) Israelites unbelieving heart, deceived by sin turns away from God – in spite of God’s servants

(Numbers 1-10) Levites conduct census, establish camps as Israel moves with God

(11-12) Complaining Israelites spoil God’s blessing of quail and leadership

(13-14) Israelite leaders explore the Promised Land, they’re reactions impact everyone

(16-17) Korah incites rebellion against God and loses everything

Application: Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart in rebellion (Hebrews 3:7-19)


B) Jesus Christ life (living water) and death (bronze snake) is prophesized by Moses, opposition and apostasy become clear

(20) Miriam and Aaron’s death have a huge impact on Moses

(21) Bronze snake between victories by faith, discipline and healing

(22-25) Balak and Balaam share fear, madness and condemnation

Principle: Good news without faith has no value, disobedience disallows people from entering God’s rest (Hebrews 4:1-10)

Application: What efforts am I making to enter God’s rest, so that no one falls by following their example of disobedience? How firmly is my grasp of the faith I profess? (Hebrews 4:11-12)


Principle: God’s grace and mercy is greater than our unbelief and apostasy, when we keep a soft repentant heart. We can have confidence in this because Moses is in the promised land when Jesus came (Matthew 17:1-13)
Application: God see us as we are and loves us with sympathy and compassion – so what in my life do I need to take Him today? What do I need mercy and grace to overcome today? (Hebrews 4:13-16)