

Daniel's friends choose God over worshiping statue or dying in furnace

AIM: God gives us an alternative from the world binary option

A) Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue is worshiped by everyone except Jews
(3:1) Nebuchadnezzar gold statue 90 ‘ tall, 9 ‘ wide (305’ Statue of Liberty, 125’ Brazil Christ) Dura, Babylon
(2-3) All kings leaders came to dedication of the statue
(4-7) “all people, nations, languages at sound of music bow to ground, worship statue or be thrown into a furnace” - so they did
(8-12) Astrologers informed king Jews won’t no attention (disrespect) they refuse to serve your gods, don’t worship statue
Application: What rules do I obey in fear of man rather than being obedient to God?

B) Nebuchadnezzar attempts to burn Jews who believe God will save them
(13-15) Nebuchadnezzar enraged ordered Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego given last chance
(16-18) No need to defend ourselves, God is able to save us, will rescue us from you power - if not be clear we will never serve your gods or worship gold statue
(19-23) Nebuchadnezzar furious, furnace 7 times hotter, binded them with clothes on, strong men died as they threw them into roaring flames
Application: When faced with losing everything, where does my help come from?

C) Nebuchadnezzar sees a god man, with Jews unaffected by flames.
(24-25) Nebuchadnezzar sees 4 men in the flames, walking around unharmed 4 like a god!
(26-27 Nebuchadnezzar came close to the door, “servants of Most High God, come out”, they did and were not touched by fire, didn’t even smell like smoke
Application: Would people be able to see my life as a testimony of God’s power in my life?

D) Nebuchadnezzar praise God, decrees all people not speak against God and promotes Shadrach
(28) Nebuchadnezzar, “Praise God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego” willing die rather than serve or worship any other god,
(29) If any speak against their God, they’ll be torn limb to limb and house will be heaps of rubble, no god can rescue like this
(30) they are promoted to higher positions
Application: Do I take the king’s stance of  “not speaking against God” or am I like Shadrach who “worships God” in every part of my life?

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