

Nebuchadnezzar tells everyone about how God humbled him

AIM: God is the Most High ruler of all the world
A) Nebuchadnezzar sends a message to the world about miraculous signs Most High God performed for him
(4:1) Nebuchadnezzar sent message to everyone in the world, Peace & Prosperity to you
(2-3) let you know miraculous signs Most High God performed for me, His kingdom last forever
Application: Being a witness for God is a joyful expression, telling everyone what he’s done in my life. Do I center my testimony on the Most High God or am I the main character?

B) Nebuchadnezzar tells dream of the strong tree cut down by heaven with only the stump left.
(4-4-8) Recounts the dream/vision from God but not exactly how it happened, (I told them the dream)
(9) “I said to him…Belteshazzar, chief of magicians – spirit of holy gods”
(10) Large tree in middle of earth, tall and strong into heaven
(11-12) loaded with fruit for all to eat, animals in the shade, all world feed from this tree
(13-14) dreaming, saw messenger, a holy one from heaven, messenger shouted cut down the tree, shake leaves, scatter fruit
(15) leave the stump, roots in ground, bound with iron/bronze, let him get drenched with dew of heaven, live wild in the fields
(16-17) 7 periods, mind of a wild animal instead of human, decree of messengers, commanded by holy ones, so that everyone may know
    that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world.
He gives them to anyone he chooses—
    even to the lowliest of people.”
Application: How has God shown me personally that he is the Most High ruler over all the kingdoms of the world?

C) Nebuchadnezzar asked Daniel the meaning, receives opportunity to repent but didn’t
(18-19) Nebuchadnezzar asks Belteshazzar what it means, Daniel is overcome, frightened by the meaning but king want to know anyway – events foreshadowed to you
(20-23) the great tree is king Nebuchadnezzar, strong great, rule to the ends of the earth
(24-26) Meaning: driven from human society, eat grass like a cow, 7 periods until you learn  Most High rules over kingdoms of world, stump left to receive your kingdom back again learned heaven rules
(27) “‘King Nebuchadnezzar, please accept my advice. Stop sinning and do what is right. Break from your wicked past and be merciful to the poor. Perhaps then you will continue to prosper.’
(28-31) these happened 12 months later, while boasting of his majestic splendor  a voice from heaven messaged him, no longer for you.
(32-33) (same words as Daniel said in 16-17) you’ll be driven from human society, grass like cow, drenched with dew of heaven, 7 periods until you learn Most High rules
(33) same hour judgement fulfilled, driven from human society – until hair was long like eagles feathers, nails were like birds claws
Application: When confronted with the need for change in my life, why do I continue down the destructive path of sin? Do I view God as Most High ruler, who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine? God had given Nebuchadnezzar dreams and Daniel to show him what it means – but in his own mind Nebuchadnezzar was the most high. Where is my pride preventing me from seeing where sin in my life is taking me?

D) Having witnessed God’s power and faithfulness Nebuchadnezzar believes God
(34-35) after time passed, Nebuchadnezzar looked to heaven, sanity returned, praised Most High, one lives forever-everlasting, eternal, incomparable, unstoppable, not questionable
(36-37) When sanity returned so did his honor, glory, kingdom – total restoration, so Nebuchadnezzar praised and glorified God, acknowledged God is just, true and able to humble the proud.

Application: Having been through a miraculous downfall and restoration – I will proclaim that only God is the Most High ruler of all the earth. I will praise his holy name with the rest of my days.

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