

Daniel dreams of four kingdoms leading to God’s final judgement

AIM: Jesus the son of man will reign, after great persecution of God’s people
A) Daniel writes down a vision of four beasts being judged by God with son of man given sovereign rule over all
(7:1) Daniel writes down dream from first year of Belshazzar’s reign
(2-3) great storm, churning sea, strong wind every direction, four huge beasts out of water each different from others
(4) first lion, eagles wings - torn off, standing on hind feet like human with human mind
(5) second bear, on one side three ribs between teeth voice saying “get up devour many people”
(6) third leopard, four bird wings on back, four heads, great authority given
(7) fourth - terrifying, dreadful, very strong. crushed with huge iron teeth - different from others ten horns.
(8) from horns, another small among them, three torn out to make room for it (8 left), eyes like human, arrogant mouth
(9-10) thrones in place, Ancient One judge, white clothes, hair like wool, fiery throne - flowing from his presence, millions of angels ministered to him - court began, books opened
(11-12) little horn boastful speech, but fourth beast is killed, body destroyed by fire - others three lost authority but allowed to live a while longer
(13-14) son of man, clouds of heaven, approached Ancient One - led to presence given authority, honor, sovereignty over all world, every race, nation, language would obey him. Rule eternal never ends, never destroyed.
Application: Knowing how the story ends should influence your present time of prosperity and need. Jesus commands, Love God, love people and go make disciples.

B) Troubled Daniel asked one beside the throne what it means and receives the explanation yet kept to himself
(15-16) trouble, terrified, asked one beside throne - what it means - explained
(28) Daniel had these visions, terrified by thoughts, but kept these things to himself.
Application: Not every revelation needs to be debated among God’s people. Jesus said let your yes be yes and no be no.

C) The dream is about four kingdoms that rise from earth, last one will wage war against God’s holy people but will be completely destroyed when God judges the world.
(17-18) four beasts represent kingdoms that arise from earth but in the end holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, ruling forever
(19-20) what’s the true meaning of fourth beast, so different from others and ten horns, little horn destroyed the three, boast arrogantly
(21-22) waging war against God’s holy people, defeating them until Ancient One, Most High came and judged in favor of his holy people - time came for holy people to take over kingdom
(23-24) meaning: fourth world power rules the earth, devour the whole world, ten kings over that empire, one rises and subdues three of them
(25) He will defy Most High, oppress holy people of Most High, try to change sacred festivals, laws placed under his control a time, times and half a time
(26-27) “But court will pass judgement, his power taken away, completely destroyed - sovereignty, power and greatness given to holy people of Most High. His kingdom lasts forever, all serve and obey him

Application: God doesn’t give revelations that he doesn’t also provide interpretation. Jesus reveals that Daniel’s vision is true in Matthew 24.

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