

Daniel sees end of time and Gabriel explains its meaning

AIM: Great success, sin, devastation and deception mark the end of time.
A) Daniel’s vision shows a Ram, two horns butting every direction without restraint until a Goat charges in the air and breaks the horns, splitting Goats 1 horn into four with a small horn arrogant and powerful.
(8:1) Daniel has vision in third year of Belshazzar’s reign
(2) at fortress of Susa, province of Elam, beside Ulai River
(3-4) Ram, two long horns, one longer than other (grown later), butted everything out of his way west, north, south no one could stand or help victims became very great
(5-6) Goat, from west crossing land without touching ground, one large horn between eyes rushing the ram with rage
(7) Goat charged furiously at the ram, struck, broke both horns, ram was helpless, no one could rescue from goat’s power
(8-9) Goat very powerful, height of power large horn broken off, in place four horns in four directions of earth. From one of them a small horn extended toward south, east and Israel.
Application: Daniel’s vision of ram seems much like what occurred with World War I and II (Italy, Germany, Russia) with the goat being UK, USA.
B) Small horn’s power reached the heavens and rebellion against Commander of heaven is forged with deception.
(10-11) Power reached heavens, attacked heavenly army, throwing heavenly beings and stars to ground trampling them, challenged Commander of heaven’s army canceling daily sacrifices offered, destroying his Temple
(12) Army of heaven was restrained from responding to rebellion, daily sacrifice halted, truth was overthrown, horn succeeded in everything it did
(13) two holy ones asked, “how long, rebellion causes desecration stop daily sacrifices, Temple and heavens army be trampled on?”
(14) 2,300 evenings and mornings, Temple then made right again
Application: Small horn seems like USA in the 1960 to present day, reaching the heavens, rebellion against God forged with deception.

C) Gabriel explains  at the end of time the Ram is two kings, Goat is overtakes Ram, split into four not as great as first
(15-16) Daniel trying to understand, someone who looked like a man, human voice said “Gabriel tell this man meaning of vision”
(17) “Son of man, you must understand, vision relate to the time of the end”
(18-19) Daniel fainted, Gabriel helped him to his feet “I am here to tell you what will happen at the very end of time, wrath
Application: United States empire not as great as United Kingdom.

D) Gabriel explains Ram is kings of Media and Persia, Goat is Greece, four horns show Greek empire breaks to four with end ruler master of deception and destruction.
 (20-22) Ram represents kings of Media and Persia, Goat king of Greece – large horn first king of Greek Empire, four horns show Greek Empire breaks into four, non as great as the first
(23) end of rule, sin at it’s height, fierce king, master of intrigue rise power
(24-25) very strong, not own power, shocking destruction, succeeds in everything destroy leaders, devastate holy people. Master deception, arrogant, destroy without warning – Prince of princes to battle but broken – not by human power
(26) 2,300 is true but not for a long time so keep this vision secret
(27) Daniel overcome, lay sick for several days – performed duties but greatly troubled, couldn’t understand it.
Application: When sin is heightened, God’s people are persecuted and deception rules – then end is near.  

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