

Darius proclaims to the world, “God saved Daniel from lions”

AIM: Fear and serve God, not man.
A) Darius appoints officers and administrators over providences and Daniel’s promotion is planned.
(6:1) Darius the Mede divided kingdom into 120 provinces, appointed a high officer over each
(2) Daniel and two others were chose to administrators to supervise officers and protect kings interest
(3) Daniel proved himself more capable than all others, king made plans to place him over the entire empire
Application: Do I perform every task in my day with excellence as an act of worship to God? (Colossians 3:23-24)

B) Envious officers see Daniel’s devotion to God and manipulate a plan for his death in lions’ den.
(4-5) other admins and high officers searched for Daniels flaws but found none, except connection to rules of his religion.
(6-7) They got king Darius to make a law that people could only pray to him or be thrown in lions den
(8-9) “Sign it so it cannot be revoked” so Darius signed into law
Application: Is the only valid complaint about me devotion to God or is there laziness in my work that I need to change? What would God say about my devotion to him compared to my other relationships?

C) Daniel is not deterred in devotion to God and is found guilty of breaking law, thrown in lions’ den.
(10) Daniel learned about law, knelt down in upstairs room, windows open, toward Jerusalem, prayed three times daily, giving thanks to God.
(11) Officials found Daniel praying, asking for God’s help
(12-13) They told the king and Daniel ignores your law, prays three times daily to his God
Application: What laws of man deter my devotion to God? What I hear from God, I will proclaim and what God has said will be proclaimed (Luke 12:1-12; Matthew 10:24-42).

D) Darius believes God because Daniel is protected by an angel of God from the lions.
(14-16) King was deeply troubled, tried to get Daniel out of predicament but couldn’t. King ordered Daniel arrested, thrown into lion’s den and said “May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you”
(17-18) stone over den, sealed with kings seal, no one could rescue Daniel, king fasted all night (no entertainment, no sleep)
(19-20) king hurried early, in anguish, “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?”
(21-22) Long live the king, God sent his angel shut lions’ mouth, I’m innocent in his sight, not wronged you
(23) king overjoyed, lifted from den, no scratch on him for he trusted God
(24) king orders arrest of men who maliciously accused Daniel, their wives and children into den – torn apart before hitting the floor.
(25) Darius sent message across the world: Peace & Prosperity to you
(26-27) tremble with fear before God of Daniel, living God, endures forever, never destroyed, rule never ends, rescues and saves, miraculous signs in heaven on earth – He rescued Daniel from lions
(28) Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and Cyrus

Application: What trials in my life are building the faith of close friends and colleagues? Do I bring joy to others, building their faith in God – even hostile people (2 Corinthians 5:11-21)?

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