

King Belshazzar’s self-inflicted ignorance of God ruins his life

AIM: Ignorance of God is cured by a humble heart

A) New King Belshazzar parties, drinking from Temple cups, praising himself and idol gods
(5:1) Many years later King Belshazzar gave a great feast 1,000 nobles, drinking wine
(2) He ordered gold, silver cups his predecessor Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Temple in Jerusalem, wives, concubines
(3-4) they drank wine from house of God in Jerusalem, praised man made idols
Application: Where am I using  God’s gifts for my  own praise and idol worship?

B) They see a hand write on the wall but can’t read and are scared
(5-6) they all saw fingers of human hand writing near lamp-stand on plaster wall, king feared/trembled
(7) king shouted “whoever can read this, tell me what it means will be highest ruler in kingdom”
(8-9) no one could read it, they were scared
Application: Where is God giving me a life-changing fearful message that ungodly people can’t answer?

C) Daniel is the only one who can read the writing and tells the king what it means
(10-12) queen mother, heard about it and remembered Daniel – explained to king Belshazzar that Belteshazzar (Daniel) could tell him what it means
(13- 16) Daniel brought before king, wise men/enchanters can’t read the writing if you can you’ll be third highest in the land
Application: Am I a person who understands God’s message and translate for other? What evidence in the form of people’s name is there in my life that this is true in the past week?

D) Daniel reminds the king of his predecessor and explains the writing as a verdict of God
(17) keep your gifts, but I’ll tell you what it means
(18-20) Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar a great kingdom and rule, but his heart and mind were puffed up with arrogance – so he was stripped of his glory
(21) driven from society, mind of wild animal, among wild donkeys, ate grass like cow, homeless
(22-23) Belshazzar knew this yet not humbled, proudly defiled the Lord of heaven, praising gods who neither see nor hear or know anything, not honoring God who gives life and controls destiny
(24-28) so God sent this message: numbered, weighed, divided: meaning your days are over, you haven’t measured up, kingdom HAS been divided
(29-31) Belshazzar commanded Daniel proclaimed third highest ruler, that night Belshazzar was killed Darius the Mede took over the kingdom at 62

Application: How well do I apply my Biblical knowledge of God’s action in the past? Do I fear the Lord or continue in habitual sinful thoughts and actions? Who is at fault for my self-inflicted ignorance as evidenced by my actions? What will I change this week?

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