

Jesus emphasizes repentance for Pergamum, Thyatira and Sardis

Revelation 2:12-3:6

AIM: Consecration is our obedience in Sanctification

A) Jesus, the word and light of correction
(12) To angel/messenger of church of Pergamum, from Jesus-with two edge sword (Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 149:6; Isaiah 49:2; Jeremiah 23:29)
(13) "I know you live in city of Satan, yet remain loyal to me, refused to deny me even when Antipas witnessed and martyred
(14-15) But complaints, tolerate among you teaching like Balaam, who showed Balak how to tirp up Israel. Teaching to sin with food offered to idols, committing sexual sin. Nicolaitans follow same teaching.
(16) Repent of your sin or I will fight them with the sword of my mouth ( 2 Tim 3:16-17)
(17) Anyone with ears must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying, victorious I'll give manna that's hidden away in heaven AND white stone, engraved new name understood only by one who receives it
(18) To angel/messenger of church Thyatira, from Jesus Son of God-eyes like flames, feet like polished bronze (Rev 1:14; 19:12; Daniel 1:6; Matthew 5:16; John 15:8; 1 Peter 2:12)
(19) "I know, seen love, faith, service, patient endurance, constant improvement in all
(20-21) But complaints, permitting Jezebel self called prophet to lead servants astray with sexual sin, food to idols. She's given time to repent but doesn't want to turn from immorality
(22) "I will throw her on a bed of suffering AND those who commit adultery will suffer unless they repent, turn away from Her evil deeds
(23) "I will strike her children dead, all churches will know I am the one who searches thoughts, intentions of every person-giving whatever you deserve
Principle: Permitting false teaching in the church leads ourselves and others astray. The way against teaching is the word of God and the light of Christ.
Application: God searches my heart for wrong, immoral teaching and I ask Him to remove it from me (Psalm 139:1,23-24) and give me the courage to not permit false teaching in my church family.

B) Jesus gives authority to obedient victors.
(24-25) To faithful of Thyatira, (not followed false/"deeper truths") I ask nothing more-hold tightly to what you have until I come
(26-27) Victorious obey me to the very end, "I give authority over all nations, rule with an iron rod, smash like clay pots
(28) They will have the same authority I received from my Father, I will give them the morning star!
(29) Anyone with ears must listen to the Spirit, understand what he is saying to the churches
Application: What needs to change in my life this week to count me as obedient? What "deeper truths" am I  following? What will I do to separate myself from that teaching?

C) Jesus, Holy Spirit holds messengers; repent believe as you did at first
(3:1) Angel/messenger of church Sardis, from Jesus, has the sevenfold Spirit of God & the seven stars
(1b-2) “I know all, reputation being alive-but dead. Wake up, strengthen what remains, the action doesn’t meet the requirements of my God
(3) Go back to what you heard, believed first, repent or I’ll come suddenly/unexpected
(4) Some have not soiled their clothes with evil, will walk with me, worthy
(5) Victorious will be clothed in white, never erase names from Book of Life, announce before my Father, his angels they are mine
(6) Anyone must listen to the Spirit and understand, saying to churches

Application: For an audience of One, not others. How can I know my ministry is meeting the requirements of God if not by prayer and His word?