

Jesus emphasizes perseverance, truth and love for Ephesus and Smyrna

Revelation 2:1-11
Focus: Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.

AIM: Holiness to God requires separation from the unholy

A) Jesus, the center of church, giving eternal life
(2:1) To angel/messenger (also Rev 2:8, 12, 18) of Church Ephesus, from Jesus holds 7 stars in right hand, walks among lampstands
(2-3) "I know all you do, hard work, patient endurance, intolerance to evil liars, not quitting (Acts 17:11; Romans 12:2)
(4-5) Complaint, love for me and others has fallen, turn back to me/do what you did at first or I'll remove your lampstand from among the churches (Matthew 22:36-40; Deut 6:5; Lev 19:18)
(6) your favor: hate evil deeds of Nicolaitans, as I do (Hebrews 5:14)
(7) anyone with ears must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying, victorious will I give fruit from the tree of life, in paradise of God (1 John 2:5-6)
(8) To angel/messenger of church of Smyrna, from Jesus-First, last, dead-now alive
(9-10) "I know your suffering/poverty but your rich! (Matthew 5:3; 6:19-20; 2 Cor 8:9) blasphemy of those opposing you, don't be affraid of suffering-remain faithful to death-I will give you the crown of life (Matthew 10:28-33)
(11) Anyone with ears must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying, victorious not harmed by second death
Principle: Holiness means we don't tolerate evil liars, our victory is life giving to others and ourselves.
Application: Where do I entertain false teaching that hinders others from the truth of God? Does my choice in radio, TV, games or occupation show my tolerance of evil liars?