

Jesus saves sinners from the default wrath of God

The argument that people are by nature "sinful" is easily seen through the law of God, because God's law makes us conscious of sin (Romans 3:19-20). The law perfectly leads us to Christ (Galatians 3:24-25; Psalm 19:7) because we realize the gravity of our sin which is to know we are sinful, yet reject God's mercy of Christ's payment for sin on the cross (John 3:36; 1 John 2:23). The pride of mankind is to cause irreparable damage then either try to 'make it work' or 'not care about it' but the wisdom of God is to humbly admit our guilt to God (Psalm 32:5; 1 John 1:9;Acts 19:18), accept his forgiveness in Jesus name (Romans 5:8; John 14:6; 1 John 5:20; Romans 10:13) and commit our lives to Jesus (John 10:10; Romans 12).

When we understand our sin under the law, God righteous judgement of sin and the pardon of God in Jesus Christ, we can by faith accept this gift. When we do this we are 'born again', given the Holy Spirit of God - sealed for eternity. We are promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us, that he's began a good work in us and is faithful to fulfill it. That you are a new creation - the old is dead and buried and new is here (this is what baptism is). That you are adopted into the family of God. That you are healed, clean, made right with God and you can now super-naturally forgive others, love them - because you have the love of God.

Reading these words, will you take a moment to pray to God and ask Jesus into your heart, to forgive you of your sin and make you new. The Bible tells us when you hear his voice do not harden your heart but respond. Let him in and ask him to remove the sin that separates you from him. Ask him to remove the guilt from your heart and to give you his Holy Spirit so that you can live for him. God has made the way for you to repent and be with him for ever. Will you take this step of faith and draw near to God, the Holy, Creator, Lord of all.

When you first believe, God gives you the Holy Spirit who teaches us and reminds us of Jesus. He indwells you and gives you the minister of reconciliation - you are his ambassador in the world. You are called to be his witness, to obey the 'law of love' as Jesus taught us. Don't keep your faith secret, but get into a good Bible teaching church and fan into flame this gift of God working in your life.

The law leading us to Christ

Man's rejection of God or confession of sin and give our lives to God

What does Jesus save us from:

Witness of the Holy Spirit