

Ezekiel appointed watchmen; responsible to rebuke people to save them

Ezekiel 3:16-5:4
AIM: God holds his people responsible for delivering his message

Being called to witness in a trial can be a stressful matter for anyone. It takes preparation, conviction and a willingness to "tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth - so help you God". When I was younger it was common for people to say these words while placing there hand on the Bible, this also happens when people are appointed to office of public service. In Ezekiel 3:16-27 we see Ezekiel being called to be God's witness to mankind and he's begins relating to us how it happened and what God said, let's hear what Ezekiel's testimony was after those seven days he was troubled from his first experience seeing the Lord and his angels.

A) Ezekiel appointed watchmen, to warn the wicked and righteous caught in sin to repent
(16-17) After seven days, Lord gave message "Son of man, I appointed you watchmen for Israel - when you hear me, warn others immediately
(18) If I warn wicked, 'you are under penalty of death' but you fail to warn or speak to save his life, hold you responsible for their death
(19) If you warn them, they refuse to repent and keep sinning, they will die, you will be saved because you obeyed me
(20) righteous person commits injustice, stumbling block will die in his sins, righteous acts not remembered - if you don't warn you are responsible
(21) if you warn righteous person not to sin, they listen and obey they will live and you save yourself too
Application: We are responsible for people around us, to speak in hopes of saving lives. How am I lovingly speaking God's truth to people both sinful and righteous? 

B) Ezekiel is instructed to stay home and be quiet only to speak when Lord God opens his mouth
(22-23) Lord's hand on me (took hold of me), go into valley/plain I'll speak, he went, saw glory of Lord, just like first time, fell face down
(24-26) Spirit entered me, set me on feet said go shut yourself in your house, tied with ropes, cannot go among the people, tongue sticks to roof of you mouth speechless, unable to rebuke them
(27) But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth - you'll say to them 'Thus says the Lord God' he who will hear, let him hear; he who refuses to hear let him refuse for they are a rebellious house.
Application: We speak only as the Lord allows and he who will hear listens. I don't know who will hear, I only know my calling and responsibility is to share. How am I proactively sharing God's message of salvation with those around me?