

Ezekiel is called to speak God's word to stubborn people

Ezekiel 2-3:15
AIM: to let God's word change me before giving it to others

Have you heard the rule; "don't swim after eating" or been told "you have to learn to swim before jumping in with both feet". This is good advice but you should also know how to float. In chapter 2 and the first part of chapter 3, Ezekiel is listens to the Spirit's call on his life. He's told to call to his own people who are stubborn and obstinate and tell them what God says. For some of us who like to "always be doing" we receive godly wisdom, directly from God's Spirit. He's instructed to first take the word to heart for himself and is promised to be made strong and competent for the task of telling others. God's plan for Ezekiel is laid out here and our primary lesson to learn from it is to let God's word change us before giving it to others.

A) Ezekiel receives the call of God to be sent to speak and not be affraid or rebellious
(1-2) Spirit says, "stand, I will speak" entered into Ezekiel, set him on his feet, he listened

  • Same Holy Spirit who converts us (John 3:3-21), was sent to us by Christ (John 14:23,26) and works miracles of faith in us (Galatians 3:1-6)

(3) "Son of man, I am sending you to Israel rebellious nation, against me
(4) descendants stubborn, hard-hearted - tell them 'this is what the Lord God says'
(5) whether they listen or not, they will know a prophet among them
(6) son of man, don't be afraid of them their threats surround you like briers, thorns and scorpions
(7) give them my messages, whether they hear or refuse to hear
(8) son of man, hear what I say, don't be rebellious, open your mouth and eat what I give you
Application: Have I received the word of God today and allowed the Spirit to come in and change my life? What evidence is there of the Holy Spirit working in my life?

B) Ezekiel takes the word sweet as honey but leaves him overwhelmed for days
(9-10) then Ezekiel saw hand stretched out scroll, unrolled writing front and back words of lamentation (dirge, funeral songs), mourning (sorrow), woe (pronouncements of doom)

  • Bummer - the message to the sinful human race is that this world is doomed and headed for judgement, therefore repent form sin and turn to God for salvation

(3:1) Son of man, eat what I am giving you, this scroll - go speak to Israel, he opened his mouth and ate it
(3) Fill your stomach with this" - he ate it tasted as sweet as honey

  • Jesus lived not on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4)

(4-6) Son of man, go to  Israel, give my message - not a foreign people, language you can't understand, If so they would listen

  • This I've seen to be true, in Myanmar where they've not heard the Gospel when they do it changes everything and they hunger to know more

(7-9) Israel won't listen to you or me, they are stubborn (hard head/heart), but look I made you obstinate - face and head like theirs, don't be dismayed by their looks

  • Promises to equipping for good works, Philippians 4:19 God supplies all we need, the church is built up as we work together Ephesians 4:12 with the full armor of God Ephesians 6:11-18

(10) Son of man, let words sink deep into your own heart first, listen for yourself

  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12 - let God's word do it's work, correcting, teaching and yes rebuking - cutting through the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
  • Luke 11:28, blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it

(11) then go to your people say to them 'this is what the Lord God says' (verse 4) whether they listen or not

  • going is doing (James 1:22) and we need his word to direct us in that (Psalm 119:105 lamp for feet, Psalm 119:9 staying pure according to his word)
  • When we share the truth of God entrusted to us we are sharing God's testimony (2 Timothy 3:16; delivered and handed down in the Bible, it's not our message - it's his 
  • and we know that faith comes by hearing the word about Christ (Romans 10:17)

(12-13) Spirit (or Wind) lifted him up, heard four beings "Blessed be the glory of the Lord from its place!"
(14) Spirit lifted me up and took me away, Ezekiel went in bitterness and turmoil but the Lord's hold on me was strong

  • John 3:34; Luke 4:18-19; Acts 10:38; Acts 11:24 

(15) then came to exiles in Tel-abib, Chebar canal/Kebar River overwhelmed, sat among them for seven days
Application: How am I being changed by God's word and being lifted up? Does my heart feel troubled by the looming judgement of the people close to me?