

10% or everything?

I came along this video from Zondervan on Youtube and was drawn to the authors ideas about seven money types. So I checked out his book, website and downloaded his article "TITHING: DOES GOD REQUIRE CHRISTIANS TO TITHE?". Spoiler alert, I thought in my heart...

Thinking of Romans 12:1-3 I think God requires 100%. We are to surrender ourselves to him as Lord and Savior. As Rend Collective says "all that I am for all that you are." He made a good point about stewardship in light of Jesus. Tommy Brown says, "Christ came among humanity and sacrificed all, stewarding every word, moment, and thought for the sake of the greater kingdom which has come and is coming still in its fullness"

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. Martin Luther
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about the author

overview of the "money types"