

Isomorphic mimicry; invisible habits and behaviors that undermine change

I was reading a book today that highlighted how companies can have the right "processes and programs" but actually lack the essence of what makes those processes and program successful. The idea is like having a police department and people wearing uniforms but they don't actually protect and serve. They look the part without the showing the results of being the part. It reminded me of 2 Timothy 3:5 that talks about people, "having a form of godliness but denying it’s power." or James 1:24 that speaks of someone "looking in the mirror but forgetting what they look like." Many are caught in religious systems that hold them in bondage, like the pharisees in Jesus day and many other religions. So what to do if you sense your in a religious habit but not "feeling it", let's look at what the Bible says about the problem, solution and simplicity of personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

What is Isomorphic Mimicry? from BSC on Vimeo.

In the Bible I see Isomorphic Mimicry is Hypocrisy at best and anti-Christ at worst

  • Saying the right things but not believing with a worshipful heart - Isaiah 29:13
  • Professing to know God, but in life deny him in disobedience - Titus 1:16
  • A "believer" yet is idle and disruptive, not living according to the Bible - 2 Thes 3:6
  • Who think godliness is a means to financial gain - 1 Timothy 6:5
  • Greedy exploiter of people using tales they have concocted - 2 Peter 2:3
  • They are false, wearing "sheep's clothing" but inwardly they are ferocious wolves - Matthew 7:15
God sees through disguises and so will everyone else
  • Some disguise themselves as apostles of Christ as Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light, so it's not surprising that the devils servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness - 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
  • Liars evil prophets, ruling by their own authority, saying 'peace' when there is no peace. God will expose it and break it down so that you will know the LORD (Jeremiah 5:31; Ezekiel 13:10-15, 22)
  • "A tree is recognized by it's fruit" in other words you'll recognize false prophets by what they produce - Luke 6:43-45, Matthew 12:15-20 
  • The result of pretending religion is Jesus will say, "I never knew you" and hell awaits - Matthew 7:21-23

What can we do, everyone seems hypocritical in some shape or form

  • "Build your House on the Rock" - put Jesus words into action - Matthew 7:24-27, trusting his authority Matthew 7:28-29)
  • Humble yourself before Jesus and ask him to make you clean, when he heals you don't tell people, show people - Matthew 8:1-4, Leviticus 14:2, Matthew Henry says, "And those afflictions are blessed that bring us to know Christ, and cause us to seek help and salvation from him. Let those who are cleansed from their spiritual leprosy, go to Christ's ministers and open their case, that they may advise, comfort, and pray for them."
  • Believe in the healing power of Jesus word - Matthew 8:5-13
Serving Jesus, as he has served you
  • Serve Jesus, knowing his word heals the demon oppressed and those who are sick - Matthew 8:14-17
  • Understand the cost of discipleship will be scary but he will "calm the storm" and will "spare no expense" in the rescue of demon-possessed people - Matthew 8:18-34
  • The big idea in physical healing is proof of Jesus authority to forgive sin - Matthew 9:1-8 and show mercy to sinners and the sick - Matthew 9:9-13
  • We don't serve Jesus to gain something, rather because we have been saved we serve - Matthew 9:14-17
In faith we encounter the super natural restoration of Jesus

  • On behalf of loved ones who are "gone" - Matthew 9:18,24-26
  • On behalf of ourselves - Matthew 9:21-22
  • On our behalf when we can't see - Matthew 9:27-31
  • On our behalf when we can't speak - Matthew 9:32-34
See people as God sees them, with Compassion
  • Follow Jesus example of teaching, proclaiming the gospel and healing every disease and every affliction. Pray earnestly to the Lord to send out laborers into the world. - Matthew 9:35-38

PS: I got the term "Isomorphic mimicry" from this book: The Outstanding Organization: Generate Business Results by Eliminating Chaos and Building the Foundation for Everyday Excellence