

Exposing sin to remove it and bring healing

The root of big sin like murder, rape and large scale fraud is small sin like hate, lust and greed. Small sins are developed by influence we pour into ourselves, 1 Corinthians 15:33 says bad company ruins good morals." Jesus famously said, "A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart... (Luke 6:45)". So how do we expose small sins to remove it and bring healing?

Exposing ourselves to the the Word of God

We need to let the light of God's word into our lives and expose what is not pleasing to him. This picture illustrates that when we are in a dimly lit room, we may not notice the dust in the air our dirt around us. But when we open the curtain and let the light in, it exposes the dirt and dust. God's word does this for us when we read it in the power of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 119:105; John 1:5 16:8). Also the light penetrates our skin, exposing our blood inside, this reminded of Hebrews 4:12. Jesus is the Word of God

Trusting in God's promise to forgive our sins
Many people go through life knowing they've done wrong and they carry around a weight of guilt and shame. They may have a weird kind of pride that says, "God can forgive me, but I can't forgive myself". This is a level of arrogance that can be hard to see because it seems noble in a way. If God forgives someone, who are you to hold a grudge - especially towards yourself. The prison door is open, you need to walk out of that prison in faith.

Stop polluting yourself with things contrary to God's Word
Growing up I liked music and saw how different people where associated by the music they listened to. A lay pastor in junior high ministry explained to me that musical style is not bad it's what being preached in the song lyrics. He was a big proponent of Josh McDowell and a book Why Knock Rock. It's not just lyrics but the musicians lifestyle that is harmful. In Biblical times people would gather in crowds to listen to prophets "sing", today we see this in stadiums concerts and parties.

Exposing-evilJesus Teaches about Inner PurityChrist's PurityBible verses about Garbage In Garbage Out