

How God Works His Will Through us

False teaching is rarely completely false.
Maturity's not how much you know but knowing what's important.

They didn't stop believing or deny Jesus but did get distracted from the supremacy of Jesus

Conversion: God changes your life and then your purpose

Apostle = Messenger sent to carry out the instructions  of one who sent him

Not by his choice but the will of God

Timothy Paul's permanent ministry partner

To strengthen our walk with Jesus Christ
1. We need to understand who/whose we are
  - I'm a husband, brother, uncle, son (Sociological). Theologically, I'm a child of God, ambassador, a citizen of heaven (a saint)

A saint is someone set apart, chosen by God. Has everything to do with Jesus work on the cross, nothing to do with our works. Not how we feel, but His promises. Not our behavior, but his perfection. Take seriously how God sees you and what he says about you.

We tend to  live up to or down to our understanding of who we are

2. We need to understand where he's placed us. He places people in a specific location for a reason. We make our plans but God orders our steps. We are where we are by God's Providence.

On purpose, so find purpose in it.

3. We need to understand how doctrine works. Doctrine is Biblical instruction. We understand the doctrine of Grace and Peace.
- Grace: Cross doesn't need help, needs to be preached. God's blessing, when we deserve punishment. God wants to bless you.
Romans 5:8
Legalism seeks to achieve God's favor by what we do. Really self-worship. Keeps us enamored with us, Grace keeps us enamored with Jesus. Legalism says look at me, Grace says look at Jesus.

The primary benefit of Grace is Peace.
Romans 5:1-2

Peace with God means our struggle with God is over. We aren't fighting against him, we submit to him. Phil 4:7

Peace of God. Trust God when everything around us is falling apart. The peace we can't explain apart from God.
1 Peter 4:7-11

Heavy on Pragmatism, light on Theology

The truth that saved me, must be central in my life. A firm foundation established by God's will carried out in Christ Jesus.