

Words of wisdom from some awesome elders

Have you read the Most read book in the world?

“I realized there is a God, and it’s not me”
A gift extended needs to be received and applied.

What I look for in people:
1.       Positive influence
2.       Self-starter, Motivated
3.       Enthusiastic, “get your tail wagging”
           a) Gives it there all
4.       Integrity

People expect a leader to communicate
1.       Where we are going
2.       What’s expected of me
3.       How am I doing

Keys to success
1.       Take ownership (respond, produce, & process)
2.       Plan your day, deadlines (20% that give 80% of value) and flexible to adjust the other 80%
         a) What must I accomplish before noon?
         b) Before EOD
3.       Be a Finisher – last 10% that matters most
4.       Pursue Excellence in everything you do

½ the world has below average intelligence