

Scripture memory enables us to live by the Spirit

Scripture memory enables us to live by the Spirit. Jesus when faced with temptation to sin do to the hunger inside him said “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” This occurred after his baptism as he was being led by the Spirit. The Psalms have much to say about the benefits of scripture memory (Psalm 1:1-3;37:31;40:8;119:9,11,15,16) as well as Proverbs (Proverbs 3:3-4;4:20-21). I especially appreciate the wisdom of Proverbs 6:20-35, essentially saying hold this teaching in your heart, it will lead you, watch over you and preserve your life from the temptation of wicked women. So where to start? Here's some easy ideas you can start today.

Get help from daily devotionals
Our Daily Bread
This is classic and includes an app from your phone's app store. It will even read itself to you in case you don't have time for reading. It starts with a scripture focus and includes a "Bible in a Year" reading plan. Today's scripture has Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. Psalm 23:6
Bsf has a scripture memory verse for every week of there study's. As a Children's Leader this is were I really began to understand how to memorize scripture and the value of it.

Work together with friends or family
Twitter can be of benefit using hashtags with Scripture you've memorized. Click tweet links the one below and add the Hashtag #ScriptureMemory

The hashtag then becomes a searchable feature you can also narrow it down to only show people you follow.
Create a free blog invite them to contribute

Here's some great reasons to engage your mind in scripture memory: