

Jesus betrayed by Judas, then Peter fulfills prophecy

John 18:1-27
AIM: Jesus experienced betrayal, humiliation and mistreatment from those he loved, yet kept the peace

A) Jesus betrayed by Judas, defended by Peter is arrested
(1-3) Jesus + Disciples, Kidron (Jer 31:31-40) Valley olive grove - Judas familiar leads Roman soldiers + Temple guards torches, weapons
(4-7) Jesus knows, came forward - I AM, they fell down
(8-9) Jesus, IAM-let others go fulfills John 6:39, 17:12
(10-11) Simon Peter sword, right ear Malchus high priest slave/bondservant, Jesus rebukes "cup of suffering Father has given me"
Application: How will I remember Jesus and step forward into God's will for my life? When others have noble motives yet wrong actions, how will I correct their mistakes to keep the peace?

B) Jesus questioned by Annas, betrayed by Peter fulfilling prophecy
(12-14) Soldiers, officer, Temple guards arrested Jesus, bound to Annas Father in law Caiaphas high priest (Prophesied John 11:49-50)
(15-17) Simon Peter followed as did John (acquainted with the high priest), John let Peter in girl ask "You're not a disciple are you", Peter "nope"
(18) servants officers charcoal fire warming themselves, Peter with them
(19-21) Annas (High Priest) questions Jesus teaching, Jesus "Everyone knows - I preach regularly, why do you ask?"
(22-24) officer strikes Jesus, he responds "prove I'm wrong; if I'm right, why hit me?", Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas
(25-27) Meanwhile Simon Peter "you're not one of his disciples", "nope", a relative of Malchus "weren't you at olive grove", Peter denied it immediately a rooster crowed.
Application: When my friends deny me and I'm under pressure, how will I respond?