

Jesus prays for himself, believers and testimony to the world

John 17:1-26
John gives us a window into Jesus personal prayer life. Specifically his attitude and focus on God's will for his disciples both near and far away. When Jesus was praying here, he was praying for you and me. He prayed specifically for God's glory in himself, the unity of believers and continuity of the testimony for the world.

AIM: Prayer is our best response anytime we are in need

A) Jesus prays God is glorified in him
(John 17:1a) When Jesus said all these things (last supper John 13:1-14:31 and on the way to Mount of Olives 15:1-33)
 - Jesus knew his time had come (John 13:1), in washing his disciple's feet in John 13:7, Jesus said: "You don't understand what I'm doing but afterwards you will." Jesus was demonstrating Gospel service, even to Judas.  Now we've heard the teaching about the Holy Spirit the past few weeks we can recognise John 13:20 "whoever receives the one I send receives me," is relating to the Spirit working through us in loving one another (John 13:31-35).
 - Jesus explained he is the way, the truth and life - preparing a place for his followers in heaven (John 14:1-7). He tells them how words, prayer and works come together by the Father sending the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him in Jesus name (John 14:9-17). Jesus clarifies that love and faithful obedience are the litmus test of true faith and assurance of his indwelling Spirit.  The world is blind and loveless, having rejected the light of the gospel and faithfulness to God (John 14:18-31). He illustrates the point further in John 15-16:30 as they walked together; I am the vine you are the branches, produce the fruit of love, yet the godless people hate you because they hate me. You'll have joy and peace because of the Holy Spirit whom I will send, and I've told you in advance that your faith won't fail. The Holy Spirit will give you what he receives from me and will remind you of all that I've taught you.
 - After all that he sees their faces light up, they all believe 100%, but Jesus breaks the news, you'll abandon me, but my Father is with me, and he begins to pray.
(John 17:1b) Jesus looked up to heaven, hours come, glorify me - glorify you.
 - We know from John 12:16-43, Glory is trusting God with our life, service to Him, death, and legacy. Splendour is walking in the light of the God, understanding with our hearts, turning in repentance and being healed for God's renown. How do we give Glory to God, while encouraging those around us to do the same? In Matthew 5:16, Jesus gives the answer; "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven." Believers acknowledge God's serving up the "good deeds" for us so we can "hit the ball out of the park." We see this in Eph 2:10, clarified further in Titus 2:14. Jesus modelled complete trust in God, having completed the work that God gave him to do (John 17:4)
(John 17-2-3) Jesus, authority over everyone, eternal life to those given, know God and Jesus Christ
(4-5) Brought glory, completing work, Father would bring me to your presence in heaven.
 - Application: What works have I achieved that brought glory to God? First, have I submitted myself to him, place my life in his hands like a living sacrifice holy, set apart for him? How else would you know what is acceptable and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1-2)?

B) Jesus prayers unity for his people
(6-8) Jesus revealed God to his people, the message and gifts distributed were received
(9-12) Prayer not for unbelievers, but our people, they will be united as we are because I  protected, guarded them except the betrayer
 - Woe! Reminds me of Abraham praying for Sodom, not "Lord, help those people" but "If there is one righteous person left, "would you spare them?" (Genesis 18:16-33)
 - Application: How do I intercede for people in my life and can I honestly say "I've protected and guarded them," what needs to change?
(13-16) I'm coming to you, was here on their behalf too; fill with my joy, give your word, keep them safe from evil one.
(17-19) Now make them holy, teach them the word, you sent me, I send them to the world
 - NIV has "I" 29 times, "them" 28 times, "you/your" 55 times, "Father" 7 times

C) Jesus prays for continuity of the testimony
(20-23) Jesus praying for disciples and believers through their message, experience perfect unity/love as a witness to world
(24-26) Together in glory, the world doesn't know you, but they do, I reveal you to them, love unifies
 - Application: How I am I bringing continuity to the church and helping myself and others experience unity?