

God's promises and sovereign will, seen in our lives (Romans 9:1-19)

Romans 9:1-29

AIM: Understand your choice within God's sovereign wrath and mercy

1) Speak truth in Christ, conscience confirmed by Holy Spirit
2-3) sorrow in heart, wishing self-cursed rather than kinsman Israel
  • 4-5) adoption to sonship, divine glory, covenants (law, temple, promises), 
  • patriarchs to Messiah (Matthew, Luke trace lineage)
  • Messiah is God (John 1:1, Colossians 2:9)
6-9) God's word didn't fail, Abraham/Sarah, Israel's descendants are reckoned (Gen 21:12), not from birth but from promise (Romans 8:14, Galatians 3:16)
10-13) Rebekah/Isaac, twins, God's purpose, election (not works but him who calls) Jacob loved Esau hated (Mal 1:2,3)
14-15) Is God unjust? No, he says to Moses: mercy and compassion is God's sovereign choice (Ex 33:19)

  • Yet our lives and decisions are part of this "choice". Jer 18:7-10, God announces people will be destruction or blessing but then if those people change for either good or bad - the Lord will not do as he said. Jonah 3:10 and Jeremiah 26:3 are also helpful to think about how God's sovereign choice interacts with our choice. 

16) No human desire or effort but God's mercy

  • Remember Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20, truth is same on the flip side of the Sovereignty coin

17) Pharaoh displayed God's power, God's name proclaimed in all the earth (Exodus 9:16,17, 14:4)

  • Judgement, salvation to all humble, yet a remnant of wrath (Psalm 76:9-10)
  • Think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Adeb-nego. By Nebuchadnezzar's wrath, God's glory was shown and proclaimed throughout the land (Daniel 3:15-27,28,29-30)

18) God mercy whom he wants, hardens whom he wants

19) Why does God still blame us? Who is able to resist his will?

  • 20-24) Who are humans to talk back to the Creator, we are his work, for His purpose and glory
  • Search scriptures like Paul to let the Holy Spirit reveal the mystery for you 
  •  - mouthing off to God: Job 1:22,9:12,40:2 linked to clay/potter Isaiah 45:9
  •  - clay and potter: Isaiah 29:16, 64:8, Jer 18:6 links to movement/ability Isaiah 10:15
  •  Recurring theme in Paul's life: 2 Tim 2:20, gold/silver, wood/clay - common verses special use
  • See God's kindness and forbearance/patients (Romans 2;4), The Lord works out everything to its proper end - even the wicked for a day of disaster (Proverbs 16:4)
25-29) Principle: Scripture interprets scripture. Application: How can you know how to live as God's loved, adopted children? Ho does obeying what you know, fulfill your God-given purpose? Where are you resisting God's will in your seeing, hearing, and understanding - when will you repent of this resistence?