

Faith comes by hearing the word about Christ (Romans 10:14-21)

AIM: Understand our responsibility is preaching the Good news
Romans 10:14-21
A) People believe and are saved when hearing the word about Christ
14) call to save unless they believe, unless they hear unless someone tells them
 Principle: People will call on God and be saved when they believe
15) go unless sent, "beautiful feet bring good news" (Isa 52:7)
16) not all welcome "who has believed our message?" (Isa 53:1)
17) Faith comes by hearing about Christ
 - Faith from witnessing God's power (Exodus 14:31), notice the belief, obey, witness progression here: (Exodus 11:1-15:21)
 - Faith because God's faithful, enduring love (2 Chronicles 7:6, John 3:16)
 - Faith because of personal experience, thoughtfully applied to God (Matthew 8:10,5-13)
 - Faith because of other people dragging us to Jesus (Luke 5:20,17-26) - Faith that causes us to go to Jesus and speak (Matthew 9:22,18-26)
ApplicationOur faith is a response to (and sustained by) God's faithfulness
B) Everyone is included in receiving God's mercy, even when previously failed to "get it"
18) Israel has heard, creation bears God's message (Ps 19:4)
19) Israel fails to understand about gentiles (Duet 32:21)
20-21) Found by those not seek me, shown to those who didn't ask, compassion to rebels (Isa 65:1-2)
 - Faith given to anyone with ears to hear (Rev 2:7, 1 John 2:5-6)
 Principle: Only God can give us ears that hear (Exodus 29:2-6)
Ears to hear and eyes to see - both are gifts from the Lord. (Proverbs 20:12)
There is a huge difference between believing and knowing
Application: Pray for God's prescription to be applied to our hearers, so they can understand and be saved.

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