
There is a huge difference between believing and knowing

I've been researching how other faiths and people view Christian Bible teaching. By Christian Bible teaching I mean to say, taking the Bible lierally, trusting what it says is true and applying that truth to our lives. Time and again I see offence coming between people who hold to religious dogma and tradition. As a self-professing bridge builder, I like to help people see the way to cross over to a new life relationship with God. 

Big Idea: Knowing is experienced

Time and again I've witnessed this truth, "But to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear." Deuteronomy 29:4, ESV

How to build a bridge to knowing
A guy walks into the doctors office, the doctor says, "What seems to be the problem?"
 - "It's not a problem per se, just something strange. You see I pass gas alot but it doesn't smell or make a sound. In fact while I've been in your office I've passed gas 20 times."
 - "I see" says the doctor and he writes a perscription asking him to come back in a week. The guys comes back very alarmed, "Doc, what was in those pills! Now my farts are loud and smell terrible!"
The doctors says, "well now that we cleared up your sinus and unpluged your ears we can take a look at that." (author unknown)

I did a Bible search on "Know" and found the word 1,163 times. Ezekiel 16:59-63 explains how God is faithful to his promise as seen in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(59) Sovereign Lord says: I WILL as you deserve you despied my oath, breaking covenant
(60) I WILL remember my covenant, I WILL establish everlasting covenant w/you (Gen 9:16, Ezek 37:4-6,14, 23-24,26)
  • (61) You'll remember, be ashamed. In John 16:7-8 Jesus talks about sending the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of this prophesy - the spirit of truth will convict hearts. I love Ezekiel 37:14, "I will put my Spirit in you an dyou will live...KNOW that I the LORD have spoke, done it, declares the LORD"
  • (62) I WILL establish my convenant with you, KNOW that I am the LORD. Luke 1:77 says, " to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins,
  • (63) "when I make atonement for you..." Matt 26:28, Luke 22:20, affirms the new covenant is established by the Cross of Jesus, his blood". The ressurection proved the sacrifice was acceptable to God and Jesus opened their minds to truths pointing to him in the old testiment (Luke 24:44-48)