

Birds to carry away evil spirits and other miracles

I had a vision yesterday morning about all the birds that were flocking around my brother in his battle with mental illness. I thought, was this a gift from God, that a minister would deliver him from demons, by casting the spirits into these birds. These birds hung around him for weeks. I thought, should we have prayed to cast the spirits of illness into those birds like Jesus did with pigs?

Yesterday evening I took my dog for a walk and she wouldn't move. She gave me a look like she was unfamiliar with me (have you ever experienced a dog's look like they're trying to say something). It reminds me of Balams donkey.

Anyway, I thought it was because I wore a jacket I don't normally wear. She stopped me three time and finally I turned around to go home. When we got home, she wouldn't come to the door. So I decided to play with her in the snow (which we got a foot of snow in answer to prayer to allow the time needed for my sister and her husband to come live with me from Colorado)... I've been experiencing miraculous events like this for several weeks now...

So we're playing "throw the snow balls, back and forth" when I notice about 100 sea gulls coming towards me from the west. Flying over my house and on both sides. I remembered my vision and began to pray that the spirits of hostility, anger, bitterness, resentment, cruelty, hatred, lust, greed, envy, malice and all attitudes not of God would be banished from my sister, her husband, my life, my wife. That they would be sent to these birds, carried far away... now 50 birds passed by but the others are hovering over my house and the circle out front, swarming together... and about another 100 birds come from the west join them. I keep praying, thanksgiving for Gods faithfulness, provision, healing, grace, mercies and peace. I ask God to replace where that evil was and give his Holy Spirit to us in a new way...Remove the guilt, shame, lies, evil, selfshiness, pride and self-hatred from us Lord. Banish it into these birds and send them away. In Jesus name. Then more birds came from the west and the swarm moved away to the east.

I praised God they didn't land but moved away and believed these spirits were removed from my household as I prayed.

I went inside my home and was preparing for my talk on the meaning of life according to Christian faith when I noticed a book by Nick Vujicic. I opened it up and was drawn to a section were Nick gives his testimony of meeting Joni Erickson Tada for the first time. It was an encouraging story that talk about the 1 Thessalonians 5:18, I sent this very verse to my sister and her husband in the morning. So I showed this to them and explained how this wasn't a coincidence... God often harmonizes the events and people in life to show what I should do.

After they went to bed, I saw my brother in law had been doing a Bible crossword puzzle on Mary Magdalene, who even as a child of Abraham was possessed by seven evil spirits before Christ healed her.

I found the word "forgiveness" and praised God for his everlasting love and great faithfulness.

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