

Ministry to those far from God for generations (Romans 15:14-33)

Romans 15:14-33
A) Ministry is serving and teaching in power - bringing total life change
14) satisfied you (you'all) full of goodness, knowledge, able to instruct one another
15-16) bold points are written as reminder - by grace God gave me as minister to gentiles (away from God for generations)
 - priestly service, the gospel of God (Mark 1:14), you'll be sanctified by Holy Spirit
 - Paul a servant of Christ, for the gospel of God (Romans 1:1), serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son (Romans 1:9)
 - Gospel is to be obeyed (Romans 10:16), it is a ministry to be fulfilled (Romans 15:19)
 - Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom and healed EVERY disease and EVERY affliction (Matt 4:23, 9:35, Luke 9:6) repent AND believe Mark 1:15
17-18) In Christ, enthusiastic/proud about his work through my service, bringing Gentiles to God word and deed
19) by signs, wonders, power of Spirit of God I fulfilled the ministry of gospel of God
20) my ambition to proclaim to those not heard
21) Those who have never been told about him will see, / and those who have never heard of him will understand. (Isa 52:15, 7 feet of the messenger who brings good news of peace and salvation - this lead into the suffering servant Isa 53
22) delayed to preach
Application: what does my ministry look like? What am I missing out on? What needs to change to have a ministry more like the gospel of God?

B) Finishing the work creates a desire to see more done
23-24) I finished my work - John 17, plans, eager to visit, fellowship, provision
25-26) first give gifts from believers to poor believers
27-29) glad, owe real debt - spiritual blessings for financial, God will richly bless our time together
30) join my struggle in prayer to God for me, love given by Holy Spirit
31) delivered from unbelievers in Judea, service acceptable to saints/believers
32) God's will I'll come to you with joy
33) May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.
Application: How am I looking towards additional God-given goals in my life?

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