

Christ crucified, the power and wisdom of God revealed by Holy Spirit (1 Cor 1-2)

Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?
    Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him? Isaiah 40:13
1 Cor 1-2
Apostle Paul confirms God's will of holiness, granted through faith in Jesus Christ and prays for grace and peace (1-3). He affirms the gracious, spiritual gifts given through Jesus Christ proving God's faithfulness to his promises. He proclaims God will keep them strong to be free from blame on the day when the Lord Jesus Christ returns. God is faithful, he invites us into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord (4-9).

By authority of Jesus Christ, he appeals to them to live in harmony with each other.
 - Let there be no divisions in the church. Instead be of one mind, united in thought and purpose (10)
 - Authority of "let there be" like Genesis 1
 ? Is it a matter of program that leads to uniting in thought and purpose? So that what is happening in the nursery, should be happening in the "classics" groups. Is it a matter of doing away with "small church" that is focused on individual life stage and have one big group (like mega-church)? Or is it a matter of vision and mission statements with core values (why, what, how)?
A: The division is regarding quarrels over human leaders/teachers (11-12), Christ crucified for you is the message not "who baptized who" (13-17).

My thoughts on vision, mission and purpose and authority:
Seek the kingdom of heaven first every day, Love God Love People, Spiritual Gifts opened and used. "Discover spiritual gifts, motivated by love brings life change" start with why.
 * I was drawn to the statement, "By the authority of Jesus Christ"
 - Authority is transferred from God to us, from us to others (Genesis 2:15,3:17-19, Psalm 8:6, Numbers 27:20, Matt 28:18-20, Romans 1:5,12:3), but ultimately we obey God not man even when obeying man (Acts 5:29, Romans 13:1-7, Romans 14:14)
 - Authority is power (Psalm 89:24, 118:10,11,12, Matt 8:9,9:6,9:8,10:1)
 - Godly authority leads to people rejoicing, wicked authority sin flourishes (Proverbs 29:2,16)
 - Authority is understood in speaking (1 Kings 4:33, Matthew 7:29) proven in fulfillment "sign of Jonah/death/resurrection (Matt 12:38, 16:1-4, 28:1-9)
 - Prophets may speak authoritatively (in God's name), but if it doesn't come to pass you'll know that have spoken not from God's authority (Deuteronomy 18:22)
 - Father God alone has authority reserved for himself (Acts 1:7, 1 Cor 15:27,28)
The message of the cross is foolish to those headed for destruction, but it's the very power of God to those being saved (18-19). Perceived foolishness because it seems to lack heavenly sign and human wisdom (20-23). Those called by God to salvation understand Christ is the power and wisdom of God (24-25), because of the work he's accomplished in their lives (26-28). God united us to Christ, wisdom itself, made right with God, pure and holy, freed from sin - we can't boast in ourselves but God alone (29-31).

Lofty words and impressive wisdom wasn't used in revealing God's secret plan - simply "Jesus Christ crucified" a simple message, plainly stated in the power of the Holy Spirit (2:1-4). So you can trust in the power of God rather than human wisdom (5). Yet with mature believers, we go deeper revealing previously hidden plan of God since the beginning (6-8). We can't imagine what God has in store for those who love him, but God reveals these things to us by his Spirit so we can know what God freely gave us (9-12).

Words of human wisdom aren't used, instead, Spirit's words explain spiritual truths. people who aren't spiritual can't understand what the Spirit means. They aren't receptive to Him, therefore it sounds foolish because they don't hear it (ears that hear).We understand because we have the mind/heart/new birth in Christ (13-16).

Paul talked with them as though they belonged to the world because they weren't ready for bigger things as evidenced by control they gave their flesh, proved through behaviors (3:1-4).

But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 ESV

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