

Christ changes me, my relationships benefit (Col 3)

col 3:1-14; 15-25;eph 4:25-32; Phil 2:1-16

A) Christ set me on a right and true path enabling me to give my life for others
Col 3:1-4) I've been raised up in Christ, keep seeking, set mind on, things above, where he is. My life is hidden with Christ to be revealed with Him in glory.

Application: Where am I resisting Christ in me? What does Col 3:1-4 say is my responsibility in this relationship I have with God, what have I been neglecting? How has this neglect impacted me personally as I look at my personal life, family life and work life?

5-11) My old selfish, godless, devilish ways are dead - I'm new, being renewed to true knowledge/righteouness equal.
 - and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him— a renewal in which there is no distinction between (people groups) Col 3:10-11

Application: "there's a hole in my sidewalk" --
"....I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in. It's a habit. 
My eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault. I get out immediately. 
walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it. 
I walk down another street.” 

12-14) Chosen by God, holy, beloved we put on a heart of love which binds us together

B) Every relationship impacted by Christ in me
15-17) Personal-life ruled by peace/word of Christ, heartful, thankful, helpful for others in every way in the name of Jesus
18-21) Family life marked by loving-kindness
22-25) Work-life marked by sincerity and vigorous craftsmanship. 

Eph 4:25-32) My thoughts lead to words leading to actions. The Holy Spirit shows me where I'm wrong and guides me in the truth of the Bible to show me the right way to live in harmony with others. 

Phil 2:1-16) Fellowship in the Spirit brings complete joy, unity, humble service - looking out for others, honoring God with our thoughts, words, and actions

Application: My thoughts lead to words (to myself and others), my words lead to actions, my actions becomes habits, my habits become my character, my character becomes my destiny.

Prayer: Lord, lead me on the new path today. I repent of my foolishness, I commit this day to you. I'll walk in your grace, mercy, and promises. Letting my light shine so that others may see and praise you. Amen.

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