

My Marriage Commitment

It is my privilege to show my love for Jesus by caring for my wife-to love her, show her honor, try to understand her, and to give up my life and rights for her.
John 14:21; Eph 5:25; 1 Peter 3:7
It is my privilege to show my love for Jesus - John 14:21, Jesus gave commandments so that I would keep them because I love him John 14:15. It's a privilege because when I do, Jesus will disclose Himself to me.
by caring for my wife-to love her, - Eph 5:25 Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, he models the love I have for my wife
show her honor, try to understand her, and to give up my life and rights for her. - 1 Peter 3:7, live with her in an understanding way, honor as fellow heir of grace so my prayers won't be hindered.

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