

Look carefully then how you walk...making the best use of the time (Eph 5:15)

Reading 4 Thoughts That Will Keep Me From Being A Better Man brought me to this scripture
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time (Eph 5:15)
But how? What does it mean to "look carefully how you walk"? This is a key question that few people drilled down on. I've been learning a lot from the lately, 3 questions that drive strategic clarity

My brother came across this video called Learn How To Control Your Mind that is packed with wisdom on how our inner person loses control and our bodies take over via habit. An impactful incident brings an emotion, an emotion felt for days turns into a mood, a mood carried on for months/years becomes a personality trait. Personality is our "personal reality".

All this made me remember, the Rider and the Elephant - the rider is our rational system, the elephant is our emotional system. Our emotions bring the power to change or to stay put. If our rational mind disagrees with our emotions, who always wins? The Elephant is bigger and stronger than the rider. This power imbalance makes adopting new behaviors very difficult. How can we motivate this giant to change its behavior and move?
 - Think about the path: Our words direct the path we take and the paths of othersRestorative Justice, change is future oriented
3 steps to lead change
1. give direction to the rider, knowledge on how to lead change
2. motivate the elephant, taping into emotion
3. shape the path to allow for easy progress

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