
Restorative Justice, change is future oriented

Mark or Paul Umbriett of the U of M Restorative Justice that follows the 12 steps. Inside the Criminal Mind:. The key idea, of a "scratch-on-the-table" approach, rather than be concerned about how it was damaged, you need to examine the table to determine what it is made of and assess its condition in order to determine whether it is restorable. Behavior is a product of thinking. By focusing on thinking patterns rather than causes, you'll eventually lay a foundation - a method of changing thinking and behavior. Very helpful resource: The Serenity Principle: Finding Inner Peace in Recovery
  • How does he make decisions?
  • What are expectations of himself and others?
  • Is he willing to commit to a sequence of action or abstain from actions to reach a positive goal?
Length of self-directed commitment is key, and can be developed by little habitual changes. 3 sets of 3 weeks makes a habit.

Changed: Rascal Flatts

Wrong MindedRight Minded
Irresponsible, acting from out of control thinking. manifested in anger, hatred, violence (against self and/or others)Thinks about consequences, conscience makes a responsible choice. Takes control of self and says, "no" and "yes" 
doing the forbidden is key to self-imageBecoming the best "me" - understanding character traits I value and basing my decisions on them. 
incessantly lie, betray trust, struggle to control others, ignore personal and financial obligations, Be honest and honorable, 2 Cor 8:21
"For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord's sight but also in the sight of man."
blame other people for their wrongdoing Be accountable, 1 John 4:20, "If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."
(Matthew 6:12) Forgive everyone who sins against you, recognizing God’s forgiveness in prayer (Matthew 6:5-15, Mark 11:25)
Destructive to family, coworkers, and anyone whom they have significant contract.(Matthew 5:15) Let your light/good deeds shine for all to see – resulting in everyone praising your heavenly Father
My past, the environment, or my heritage is the blame for my wrongdoing (flesh)"your biology is not destiny", predisposition does not always need to take hold. You can't blame parents. You are responsible for yourself.
Poverty and discrimination is the cause for my crimes (the world)You have every opportunity to learn a new way, you reject helpful influences through avoidance. Showing up is 80%, avoidance doesn't even try to get there. 
I'm not worthy of a good life, I'm unforgivable, evil and so are the people I hate (the devil)Be godly, Forgive everyone who sins against you, recognizing God’s forgiveness in prayer (Matthew 6:5-15, Mark 11:25)
I'm better and smarter than people and can lie be untruthful and get away with it (foolish)be wise, Our words direct the path we take and the paths of othersPaths Principle: Direction, not intention leads to destination

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